<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> Lim, Hyo-young and Lee, Jeong-gu, seniors and members of the Department of Computer Engineering club, \"SSOS\" and Advisor Kwak, Jong-wook \'Configuring Positioning System in Ad-hoc Network Environments\', produced pilot model [May 19, 2011] Undergraduate students of YU won the best thesis award at the spring academic conference hosted by the Korea Information Processing Society, one of the two top academic socities in the IT sector of Korea. They are Lim, Hyo-young (22, female) and Lee, Jung-gu (26) who are both seniors in the Department of Computer Engineering. The main author Lim and co-author Lee received the best thesis award that they completed with the guidance of Professor Kwak, Jong-wook. Of the 478 theses submitted, only 10 are given the best thesis award, which they won despite competing with graduate school students. <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_02145560762340154 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=yunoti_eng_165_2011-12-13_11-45-24_1645.jpg\" target=_blank> Students of the Department of Computer Engineering and their advisor, who won the best thesis award as undergraduates at the Korea Information Processing Society (from left to right, Professor Kwak Jong-wook, Lim Hyo-young, Lee Jeong-gu) The topic of the thesis was \'Configuration of positioning system using DSDV (Destionation Sequenced Distance Vector) routing algorithms in an Ad-hoc network environment\' Unlike existing network environments where control is centralized through a fixed infrastructure such as a wired network, station or AP (Access Point), ad-hoc networks are short-distance wireless networks where devices such as laptops or smart phones act as a mobile host to communicate with each other. It has high mobility and flexibility, and is independent from stationary networks making it very useful in disaster-hit areas or military zones. In particular due to the recent surge in distribution of smart phones, it is being of high attention commercially. Thus, after thinking of ways to utilize this in kindergarten children management systems, positioning system applications and hardware for smart phones were designed and a prototype was also made. Professor Kwak Jong-wook (36, Department of Computer Engineering), who was their advisor, stated, \"I am very happy for the two who worked with great passion going outside for testing as scheduled, despite the fact that it was a very cold day.\" He added, \"The prototype idea that they developed will be applied to amusement park lost-children prevention systems and tourist management systems for tour guides, and thus will be wroth commercializing.\" They said that because they worked together since they were freshmen in the Department of Computer Engineering club \"SSOS\" the more trials and more errors they made, the better their teamwork became. They stated, \"This event was a chance for me to assess just how passionate I was for my major and at what level I am. At the same time, it helped me get rid of the vague anxiety I had as I became a senior.\" They also stated smiling, \"We learned that work that one enjoys, one does diligently, and in result, the achievements are also good. We will work harder to contribute in \'IT Powerhouse Korea\'.\"
- International Services
- 2011. 10. 06
- 17250
- International Services
- 2011. 09. 29
- 17796
- International Services
- 2011. 09. 09
- 17954
- International Services
- 2011. 09. 08
- 17747
- International Services
- 2011. 09. 02
- 18324
<META name=GENERATOR content=\"MSHTML 8.00.6001.18999\"> <BODY style=\"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; \"> 2011학년도 2학기 영남대학교 한국어특강을 다음과 같이 개설하고자 합니다. ◈ 대상자: 외국인(학부, 대학원, 외국인 교원 및 일반인) For foreigners in Korea ◈ 수업기간/시간: 총 60시간 Class period/Time: Total 60 hours ☞ 매일반: 2011.09.05(월) ~ 2011.12.07(수) Every day class: September 5, 2011(Mon.) ~ December 7, 2011(Wed.) ☞ 격일반: 2011.09.08(월) ~ 2011.11.23(수) Mon./Wed./Fri.: September 5, 2011(Mon.) ~ November 23, 2011(Wed.) ◈ 개설강좌 및 시간: 신청서 참고 Detail information regarding class and time, please see the attached file. ◈ 수강신청 How & Where to apply? ☞ 기간: 2011.08.22(월) ~ 2011.08.31(수), 11:00 A.M. Period: August 22, 2011(Mon.) ~ August 31, 2011(Wed.), 11:00 A.M. ☞ 장소: 한국어교육원 행정실 (국제교류센터 316호) Place: Office of Korean Language Institute (Ofiice No. 316) ☞ 제출서류: 신청서 1부 (첨부파일) Please submit the application form (Attached file) ◈ 분반시험: 2011.09.01(목), 14:00 (국제교류센터) Placement test: September 1, 2011(Thu.), 14:00 P.M. ※ 교실은 당일 게시판에 공지가 됩니다. Classroom will be posted on the notice board, KLI the 3rd building. ◈ 수강료: 250,000원 (현금납부) Tuition: 250,000KRW (Cash only) ☞ 본교 외국인 교원 및 교환학생: 해당부서 지원 YU Faculty members and exchange students are 100% supported from the school. ☞ 대학원생: 최대 2회 대학원 행정실 150,000원 지원 Graduate school students can be supported from the school up to twice. ※ 단, 2회째는 2A이상 신청자에 한함. 2A이상 PASS한 학생에 대해서는 지원 없음. ※ First time: all the level can be supported. Secend time: higher than 2A level can be supported. Students who already pass the 2A level, they can\'t be supported.
- Korean Language Institute
- 2011. 08. 09
- 17965
- International Services
- 2011. 08. 02
- 18343
- International Services
- 2011. 07. 29
- 17729