Chairman of the Indonesian Senate also visited YU following the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Cambodian National Assembly Request for guidance and support to establish the Department of Saemaul Development and Saemaul Education and Training Center for rural development and for overcoming poverty The 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Indonesia, aiming at developmental relationship based on mutual understanding and cooperation [September 25, 2023] On the 20th, a delegation of members of the National Assembly, including Indonesian Senate President Bambang Soesatyo, and university presidents visited YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) and requested sharing of YU's know-how on Saemaul education to cultivate talents that are the keys for national development.This is already the second time in a week that the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Cambodian National Assembly, etc. visited YU to establish the Department of Saemaul Studies at a new university in Kampong Thom and request support for training Saemaul leaders. Bambang Soesatyo, Chairman of the Indonesian Senate, is a powerful politician who ranks third in the national hierarchy.He currently serves as the Chairman of the National Council, which oversees the National Representative Meeting and the Regional Representative Meeting, and has held key positions including National Assembly Budget Committee Member, House Chairman, and House Speaker.They met President CHOI Oe-chool of YU and said, “Saemaul Undong and Saemaul education is essential programs for Indonesia, which has national tasks of rural development and overcoming poverty. I hope YU to play an active role in transferring the know-how on Saemaul education and expanding exchanges between the two countries.” In response, President CHOI Oe-chool said, “The Saemaul Undong advocated by President PARK Chung-hee is a national development policy that seeks to change the minds of local residents, to improve the environment, and to overcome poverty by increasing income and Saemaul Studies is the academic form of it. Many countries are visiting YU to share Korea’s experience in development and the achievements of YU’s Saemaul Studies education. We will do our best to convey the experience and know-how that YU has accumulated over the years.” At the business agreement ceremony between Indonesia's Universitas Perwira Purbalingga and YU, the two universities promised cooperation to ▲ establish a Saemaul Development Department ▲ develop a 2+2 joint education program and ▲ establish Saemaul Education Training Center, etc.At the signing ceremony, Eming Sudiana, President of Universitas Perwira Purbalingga, strengthened, “Although our university is a new university, our biggest educational goal is to cultivate talents for the development of the local community.To achieve this, YU’s Saemaul education know-how is needed.” Meanwhile, Senate President Bambang Soesatyo strengthened in a special lecture to about 150 students of YU's Global Talent College following the agreement ceremony that mutual understanding and cooperation between future generations is more important for the next step in the relationship between the two countries as they celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.
- PR team
- 2023. 10. 12
- 2023. 09. 25
- 11967
PSPS (Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul) held Global Cultural Festival for Experience in Korean Language and Culture. “Saemaul Spirit Korean Speech Contest” and presentation of “My life in Korea,” etc. for foreigner students Enjoyed the festival with traditional dances and songs of the world as well as Korean traditional plays including stick throwing [October 06, 2023] PSPS of YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) held “2023 Saemaul Spirit Korean Speech Contest & Global Saemauler Festival.” It is a global cultural festival designed to help international students to enhance their understanding of traditional Korean culture and Korean language, share their feelings about Korea, and strengthen their sense of belonging and connection. In the Saemaul Spirit Korean Speaking Contest held at the YU Folk Village on the morning of the 6th, 12 international students from 7 countries, including Myanmar, Tanzania, and Ghana, attending Park Chung-hee Graduate School of Saemaul participated.Foreign students made Korean presentations with such subjects as “What is Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul for me?” and “My life in Korea,” “The happiest time in my life,” etc. <A foreigner student of PSPS makes a presentation in Saemaul Spirit Korean Speech Contest> Herrera Quintero Maria Del Rosario from Panama, who presented on the topic of ‘My Life in Korea’, took first place in the competition. Maria said, “I think that as a result of focusing on studying my Korean language while preparing for the Korean speaking contest, could get this good result. Preparing for this topic gave me an opportunity to reflect on my time studying abroad and strengthen my will to study. I want to make many memories while enjoying traditional Korean games with my friends who are studying with me.” <Winners of Saemaul Spirit Korean Speech Contest> Next to Saemaul Spirit Korean Speech Contest, Global Saemauler Festival was held in the afternoon. More than 80 persons consisting of students and professors of PSPS and students of YU Saemaul Club had the opportunities to enjoy Korean traditional plays such as stick throwing, Jegi kick, hoop roll, and arm wrestling, etc. In addition, foreign students from around the world had the time to show off and understand other cultures by performing traditional dances and songs of their countries, wearing traditional costumes, and putting on a fashion show. <Foreigner students of PSPS enjoy stick throwing, a Korean traditional play> <Foreigner students of PSPS enjoy Jegi kick, a Korean traditional play> Director LEE Byeong-wan of YU Park Chung-hee Graduate School of Saemaul, who organized this event, said, “It would be an opportunity for foreign students to improve their Korean language skills by writing and presenting in Korean what they felt and experienced while studying abroad in Korea. I hope that their understanding of Korean culture increases and vitality is provided for their abroad-studying life in a foreign country by experiencing Korean culture with professors and friends at today’s festival. I hope that the Saemaul major knowledge and experience gained at Park Chung-hee Graduate School of Saemaul will be of great help to international students when they return to their respective countries.” <Foreigner students of Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul enjoy Korean traditional culture, Samulnori performance> Meanwhile, Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul (PSPS) of YU was established in 2011 to cultivate Saemaul leaders of developing countries.Foreign students studying in PSPS consist of public officials planning policies in respective countries, employees of public institutions, social activists, and professional workers, etc. differently from students of faculties or graduate schools. They study Korean language and complete master's degree course during a relatively short 18-month study period and YU has been providing Korean Speech Contest and Korean culture experience events to supply them with wider experiences in Korean culture.Now, 58 foreigner students from 23 countries such as Cambodia, Indonesia, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Panama, and Liberia, etc. are studying and, until now, 765 persons from 67 countries received master’s degree of Saemaul Study and are working as main policy establishers, international development professionals, and Saemaul Undong leaders in central ministries/offices, public institutions, and international development NGOs, etc.
- PR team
- 2023. 10. 12
- 2023. 10. 06
- 11819
Selection as a new author for excellent research paper in accounting field by Korean Accounting Association Reveal of the importance of financial statement ‘other’ accounts was revealed for the first time [September 26, 2023] Dr. WOO Hye-jin (36, research faculty at YU Business Research Institute) from Department of Accounting and Taxation of YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) won 2023 Accounting Dissertation Award of Korean Accounting Association. <From the left, Dr. WOO Hye-jin and Professor HONG Young-eun> The Korean Accounting Association is the most authoritative academic organization in the accounting field. It was established in 1973 for the purpose of developing Korean accounting research and education and sound research activities in accounting. It selects excellent theses and gives thesis awards every year to promote accounting research by new researchers. Dr. WOO Hye-jin’s thesis <Why should information users be interested in 'other' account subjects after the introduction of K-IFRS?> is the first study to show that the ambiguity and abstractness of the classification standards contained in “other” account subjects is used strategically by managers as management's discretion in presenting financial statements has expanded, because Korea International Financial Reporting Standards (hereinafter referred to as K-IFRS) established by Korea Accounting Standards Board in 2007 to meet International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have been mandatory for all listed companies since 2011. Currently, financial statement account items that are displayed in different ways for each company are provided in a uniform manner in the existing database system.In this study, the reliability and accuracy of the data was increased by collecting “other” account subject data used differently by individual companies using web crawling rather than using account subject classification in a standardized database system.In addition, after the introduction of K-IFRS, which is an important standard for calculating accounting information, it is significant to clarify that information users should be careful when making decisions using accounting information that includes “other” items. Dr. WOO Hye-jin said, “I would like to thank my advisor and the professors of the Department of Accounting and Taxation who taught me a lot during the research process. In connection with this doctoral thesis, I was selected for the National Research Foundation of Korea’s Humanities and Social Sciences Academic Research Professor Support Project and am currently working on “Other Account Subjects.” We will also faithfully pursue research related to ‘information usefulness.” Professor HONG Young-eun of YU Department of Accounting and Taxation, the advisor, said, “After the introduction of K-IFRS, the research results that contributed to increasing the reliability and accuracy of accounting information seems to have been recognized by the academic community. We are making more efforts to produce excellent talents in the field of accounting.”
- PR team
- 2023. 10. 12
- 2023. 09. 26
- 11634
Gathering the capabilities of each institution to cultivate global talent and promote the global water industry Establishment of various cooperation networks through human and material exchanges [September 21, 2023] Global Leaders College of YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) concluded a multilateral MOU with Korea Water Cluster Project Team (Director PARK Seok-hoon) of Korea Environment Corporation and Daegu-Gyeongbuk Environment Headquarters (Director HWANG Seung-man) of Korea Environment Corporation on 2nd floor of Global Business Center of Korea Water Cluster Project Team on September 19th. <YU Global Leaders College concluded a multilateral business agreement with Korea Environment Corporation.> Following the conclusion of this agreement, each organization greed to gather capabilities to ▲Establish a cooperation system to promote the water industry through industry-academia cooperation, ▲Cooperate on establishing customized capacity building programs for domestic and foreigners, ▲Jointly develop various educational programs to foster local universities, and ▲Establish various cooperation networks for mutual development of local communities through human and material exchanges. HWANG Seung-man, head of the Korea Environment Corporation's Daegu-Gyeongbuk Environment Division, said, "As a public institution specializing in the national water industry that leads water management technology innovation, we have the highest level of capabilities. With this agreement, we have launched an Official Development Assistance (ODA) project. We expect to promote mutual cooperation, such as developing overseas markets for water companies and nurturing global key talent in the water industry,” he added.” Dean LEE Chun-young of YU Global Leaders College said, “By signing this agreement, the foundation has been laid for mutual development between YU, which has abundant global human resources and excellent educational programs, and Korea Environment Corporation, a public institution specializing in the water industry. We will continue to make efforts to cultivate excellent professionals with global competitiveness.”
- PR team
- 2023. 10. 12
- 2023. 09. 21
- 11421
Visiting team of the Chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee of Cambodian National Assembly, a request for cooperation in establishment and operation of Saemaul University to YU Establishment of Saemaul University in the center of seven regions adjacent to Tonle Sap, the lifeline of Cambodia Proposal to train Saemaul leaders in collaboration with YU and Royal University of Phnom Penh [September 19, 2023] <Sixth from the left: SUOS Yara, the Chairman of National Assembly Foreign Affairs Committee and President CHOI Oe-chool> “Cambodia intends to write a new history with the launch of a new government. In order to achieve the goal of creating a high-income country by 2030, the most urgent need is to advance agriculture, which is the basis of Cambodia's industry, and modernize rural areas, which are the basis of life, and cultivate human resources. For this, a university was established to introduce the talent training method of the Saemaul Undong to Cambodia.We request support for the talent training know-how accumulated by YU in order to train 1,500 Saemaul experts within two years.” In the afternoon of the 18th, SUOS Yara, the Chairman of Cambodian National Assembly Foreign Affairs Committee, visited YU (President CHOI Oe-chool), met President CHOI Oe-chool, and requested an active role in cultivating Cambodian talents. He is currently serving as the Chairman of Cambodian National Assembly Foreign Affairs Committee, is evaluated as Cambodia's next-generation leader, and said, “The university buildings and infrastructure are already provided in Kampong Thom, the center of the seven regions adjacent to Tonle Sap, the lifeline of Cambodia. Now, the key is to characterize the university as a university to train Saemaul experts. As cooperation with the Royal University of Phnom Penh, the most prestigious university in Cambodia, is possible, we ask YU to play a leading role in cultivation of Saemaul leaders in Cambodia. <Chairman SUOS Yara of National Assembly Foreign Affairs Committee> President CHOI Oe-chool of YU responded, “It’s the right time for Cambodia to take a leap forward, as Cambodian government has a strong will to develop agriculture and rural areas and overcome poverty. Based on the mutual trust built over the past 10 years, I will gladly share the know-how on Saemaul Undong accumulated by YU and on development of Korea.” This is the third visit by a high-level Cambodian team to YU. In 2014, Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Yim Chhayly and other vice ministers from major government ministries visited YU to learn about Saemaul Undong and to request advice on the establishment and operation of Saemaul University and, in February of last year, officials from major government ministries, including Cambodia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, visited YU and had discussions on Saemaul international development cooperation plans and joint degree programs. <Chairman SUOS Yara of National Assembly Foreign Affairs Committee, fourth from the left in the front row> Meanwhile, President CHOI Oe-chool has been advising on policies to promote various projects in the rural development field in Cambodia since being appointed as an advisor to the Prime Minister of Cambodia in 2014.Previously, in 2011, YU established YU Park Chung-hee Graduate School of Saemaul (PSPS) and has provided support to about 50 Cambodian public officials and leaders to study for a master's degree in Saemaul Studies. The Department of Saemaul Economic Development was opened at a local university in Cambodia and the Department of Saemaul Economic Development was established through a dual degree system to provide high-quality educational opportunities.Due to such contributions, he received an honorary doctorate in education from a local university in August with the approval of the Cambodian Ministry of Education, and has continued his efforts to share Saemaul Undong with Cambodia for over 10 years.
- PR team
- 2023. 09. 26
- 2023. 09. 19
- 12835
Increase compared to the previous year, 23,497 people applied to recruit of 3,802 people The highest number of applicants ever for regular admissions “Faculty of Pharmacy” has the highest competition rate for general students at 39.3 to 1. [September 15, 2023] As a result of YU’s (President CHOI Oe-chool) closing of the application for admission for the 2024 academic year at 6 p.m. on the 15th, 23,497 people applied for 3,802 students (within the quota), recording an average competition rate of 6.18 to 1, with an increase compared to previous year. ( Competition rate for regular recruitment last year: 6 to 1) Although the number of applicants increased in this rolling recruitment compared to previous year, the competition rate increased, and for the first time in YU's rolling recruitment, the number of applicants recorded more than 25,000 (25,085 including quota). The fields of medicine and pharmacy, which have traditionally had high competition, showed high competition again this time.The highest competitive rate was recorded by Faculty of Pharmacy in the general student admissions process. As many as 668 people applied to recruit 17 people, recording the highest competition rate of 39.3 to 1.Faculty of Pharmacy also showed a high competition rate of 25.2 to 1, with 453 applicants for 18 recruits in the local talent screening process.In case of the Department of Medicine, 297 people applied to recruit 8 students for the general student screening, recording a ratio of 37.1 to 1, regional talent screening showed 13 to 1, and medical creative talent screening showed 26.1 to 1, with high competition rates in all screenings. In addition, in the general student selection, Department of Global Education showed 19 to 1, Department of Media and Communication showed 17.3 to 1, Department of Philosophy showed 12.7 to 1, Applied Chinese Interpretation and Translation Major showed 11.9 to 1, Department of Police Administration showed 11.8 to 1 in regional talent selection, Department of Horticulture and Life Science showed 10.2 to 1 in the screening for students with outstanding potential, Department of Psychology showed a high competition rate of 12.1 to 1, Department of Human Services showed 11 to 1, and Department of Clothing and Fashion showed 10.2 to 1. In the practical screening, Department of Physical Education major in Faculty of Physical Education recorded a high competition rate of 10.6 to 1. In terms of screening, 9,446 people applied for general student screening, which recruits 1,425 people, recording a competition rate of 6.6 to 1, and 5,509 people applied for regional talent screening, which selects 909 people, and high potential candidate screening recruits 836 people, with a ratio of 6.1 to 1. 5,847 people applied, showing a competition rate of 7 to 1. Meanwhile, YU's 2024 regular recruitment arts and physical education practical exam will be held on October 24 for Department of Physical Education, October 24-26 for the College of Arts, and the interview test (medical creative talent selection) will be conducted on October 14. Announcement of successful applicants will be done on November 10th for practical examinations and on December 15th for other examinations.
- PR team
- 2023. 09. 26
- 2023. 09. 15
- 12671
Professor KIM Chang-seop’s research team developed “ultra-film silica nanoparticles to be used as a carbon reduction biocatalyst” Increased utility of enzyme-based green chemistry technologies through improved mass transfer and stability Published in the latest issue of Chemical Engineering Journal, an internationally renowned journal in the field of chemical engineering [September 14, 2023] '<From the left, YU Professor KIM Chang-seop, student LEE Ae-seol, and Dr. HEO Hye-ryeong> The research team of Professor KIM Chang-seop (40) and Dr. Heo Hye-ryeong (36) of YU Department of Chemistry of YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) developed micelle-based ultrafilm silica nanoparticles to be used as a carbon reduction biocatalyst. Enzymes have advantages such as high activity and selectivity, few by-products, and environmentally friendly conditions, but their use in industry is limited due to their low stability. However, Carbonic anhydrase (CA)*1 is a biocatalyst that hydrates carbon dioxide and is a protein that is receiving great attention in environmental industries as it can be used in carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology. Recently, Professor KIM's research team developed a biomimetic enzyme encapsulation technology to increase the stability of carbonic anhydrase enzyme and increase its industrial use as a carbon reduction biocatalyst.The research team said, “With the technology developed this time, we can utilize the biosilicification reaction of diatoms to imitate the environment and structure within diatoms*2 and at the same time protect enzymes from external stress environments. Diatom-derived silica-forming peptides and carbonic anhydride Nanoparticles with a polar silica layer were developed using micelle*3 with enzymes immobilized on the surface as a template. We succeeded in increase of enzyme stability with the silica layer of the polar membrane and succeeded in minimization of mass transfer limitations.” <Schematic diagram of a polar membrane mesoporous silica nanoparticle biocatalyst with high mass transfer efficiency and stability> Professor KIM Chang-seop, who led the research team, said, “The micelle-based ultrafilm silica nanoparticle biocatalyst developed this time showed improved stability even under carbon capture and removal technology (CCS) reaction conditions. This shows the possibility that the biocatalyst developed through this can be used in an actual industrial environment. The utilization of enzyme-based technology can be increased, and there are no restrictions on applicable enzymes or biomolecules, so we plan to conduct research to apply it to biomedical engineering applications.” LEE Ae-seol (30, Ph.D. completed) from Department of Biochemistry at YU Graduate School participated as the first author in this study and the research paper was published in the renowned international journal <Chemical Engineering Journal> in the chemical engineering field (impact factor (IF) 15.1, top tier). (within 5%) was pre-released online in the latest issue (dated October 1, 2023).This research was conducted with support from the New Researcher Support Project, the Sejong Science Fellowship Project and from the Project of Medical Research Center (MRC) of Leading Research Center supported by the Ministry of Information & Communication and National Research Foundation of Korea. [Terminology] *1 Carbonic Anhydrase (CA): A protein that reacts carbon dioxide and water to produce carbonate 10 million times faster than the natural reaction. *2 Diatoms: Single-celled microorganisms that perform photosynthesis and are abundant in the sea, but are also plankton that live in some freshwater lakes. *3 Micelles: Aggregates of surfactants such as soap gathered at a certain concentration or higher. A three-dimensional structure in which the water-hating (hydrophobic) part forms the nucleus and the water-loving (hydrophilic) part forms the surface in contact with water.
- PR team
- 2023. 09. 26
- 2023. 09. 14
- 11170
Significant reduction of process time and energy consumption with use of high-output light energy Expectation of application to manufacture of flexible electronic components and semiconductors Recognition of academic value through publication in an international renowned academic journal (Advanced Materials) in the field of new materials studies [September 22, 2023] A joint research team led by Professor RYU Jeong-ho of Department of Materials Science and Engineering of YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) coated existing film-type ceramic materials on metal substrate and, instead of using high-temperature heat treatment, irradiated strong light similar to that used in a camera flash for 1/1000th of a second to produce ceramic material. As the result, high performance of ceramic materials were obtained, attracting attention from academia and industry. More than 70% of electronic device components such as smartphones, tablets, computers, and TVs are made of ceramic materials.Recently, due to miniaturization and high performance of electronic devices, electronic components using ceramic materials are also being used by forming them on a substrate in the form of a thin film. However, in general, in order to properly realize the characteristics of ceramic materials, they are manufactured (sintered) with heat treatment of raw materials at high temperature of over 1,000 degree and the types of substrates to be used as base materials for the film were limited. Professor RYU's research team succeeded in development of technology to heat-treat ceramic films without any influence to heat-instable metallic substrates by momentarily exposing the ceramic film to high-output light energy using xenon gas discharge.By developing flexible electronic component manufacturing technology that was impossible with existing high-temperature heat treatment methods, the characteristics of the device were significantly improved. Through the development of this technology, which enables large-area heat treatment with instantaneous light in a simple structure, it is possible to overcome the disadvantages of processes that took dozens of hours using existing expensive laser equipment or using traditional electric furnaces and it is expected that the potential for commercial application will be high. <Overview of heat treatment technology for flexible ceramic thin film materials using high-energy light> Professor RYU said, “We have developed a photothermal treatment technology that dramatically reduces the time and energy consumption required in the high-temperature heat treatment process of existing electric furnaces and overcomes the limitations of the substrates that make up electronic components. It is expected to be applicable not only to manufacturing parts with optical, electrical, and magnetic properties of ceramic materials on polymer substrates or flexible metal substrates, which are essential for the development of flexible devices that can be attached to the human body, which have recently attracted attention, but also to semiconductor heat treatment processes. This study was conducted through the National Research Foundation of Korea's mid-career researcher support project and was jointly conducted by Professor RYU Jeong-ho of YU, Professor PARK Jeong-hwan of Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Professor HWANG Geon-tae of Pukyong National University, and Professor Priya of Pennsylvania State University.The research paper was published on August 10, 2023, in the world-class academic journal <Advanced Materials, Impact Index (IF) 32.086> in the field of new materials studies, and was recognized for its technological originality and academic merit.
- PR team
- 2023. 09. 26
- 2023. 09. 22
- 11038
The first foreigner to receive an honorary doctorate from Western University in Cambodia... Contribution in cultivation of Cambodian talents and national development A model case for development of developing countries through national cooperation and talent training beyond academic exchanges among universities Since 2014, as an advisor to the Prime Minister of Cambodia, advisement on major national policies resulting in a strong relationship of trust A series of love calls to spread the “Saemaul Undong” from the government, legislature, and major organizations A request to expand the dual degree system to the Department of Computer Engineering and IT-related departments following the Department of Saemaul Economic Development [September 04, 2023] The fact that President CHOI Oe-chool of YU received an honorary doctorate in education from Western University in Cambodia on August 14 is attracting public attention.President CHOI is the first case that an honorary doctorate is awarded to a foreigner at Western University. Especially, a clear merit is required to award a degree in Cambodia as it requires an official approval process from the government (Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports). President CHOI was recognized for his contribution in cultivation of Cambodian talent and in national development by supporting the Department of Saemaul Economic Development at Western University. He played a decisive role in helping Korean education and culture, and Saemaul Studies take root in Cambodia. President CHOI, who serves as an advisor to Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, has continuously received direct requests from the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Yim Chhay Ly to teach Saemaul Studies and the first fruit of this effort is the Department of Saemaul Economic Development at Western University.YU supported establishment and operation of the Department of Saemaul Economic Development and jointly operates the 2+2 dual degree system at Western University.The first new students were admitted in 2022 and, after attending Western University for two years, they will be transferred to the Department of Saemaul Economic Development at YU in 2024 and study Saemaul Studies in Korea for two years. After graduation, they will get bachelor's degrees simultaneously from Western University and YU. Especially, there are high expectations for expansion of academic exchanges with YU because the foundation affiliated with Western University is the only educational foundation in Cambodia which operates all educational programs from kindergarten to doctoral programs.In the business discussion between the two universities before the honorary doctorate award ceremony to President CHOI, Western University repeatedly requested to expand the dual degree system to various academic fields such as computer engineering and IT-related departments. He also played a major role in establishment and execution of Cambodia's national policies.President CHOI has been serving as an advisor to the Prime Minister of Cambodia since 2014 and as a government policy advisor on various projects in the field of Cambodian national development, especially rural development in Cambodia utilizing the Saemaul Undong.And President CHOI supported more than 50 people from the Cambodian government and major institutions for their master's degree courses since he was the first director of YU Park Chung-hee Graduate School of Saemaul (PSPS) that was established in 2011.Students who studied at YU are currently working as high-level policy makers and working-level managers in major government ministries in Cambodia. On August 14th, a degree award ceremony was held for President CHOI at Western University with attendance of Chairman Te Laurent, President Kieng Rotana, academic affairs committee members, professors, staff, students of the university and public officials from YU Park Chung-hee Graduate School of Saemaul. Cambodian Vice Minister Touch Visalsok of Education and Youth Education attended the degree award ceremony and personally explained the background of the award of the honorary doctorate.Vice Minister Touch Visalsok said, “The government is evaluating President CHOI Oe-chool’s contribution in the development of Cambodia and I believe that exchanges and cooperation between Western University and YU will greatly contribute in the spread of the Saemaul Undong in Cambodia. The Saemaul Studies dual degree system of both universities is expected to play a mediating role for expansion beyond the cooperation between both universities to the cooperation between both countries.The government will continue to provide support with a sense of responsibility.” It is indicated how important the role of Korea and YU is for the development of Cambodia. President CHOI said, “As an educator and Saemaul Studies researcher, I have only made small efforts to cultivate talent in developing countries, including Cambodia, and I am grateful for the honor of receiving the honorary doctorate. I believe that people should be respected and be able to enjoy a humane life regardless of gender, occupation, or income level.We will strive to improve the quality of life of many people around the world who are experiencing difficulties.” The reason why President CHOI's award of an honorary doctorate is attracting international attention is because it is evaluated as an exemplary case that goes beyond academic exchanges between universities and provides logic for cultivating talents in developing countries and establishing policies for national development.President CHOI established and developed the Saemaul Undong, one of the key driving forces of Korea's development experience, into Saemaul Studies.And, since President Yoon Seok-yeol took office, Korea has significantly expanded its ODA project budget and is actively pursuing related projects.The close exchanges with developing countries that are taking place at the university level are drawing further attention in that they are leading the expansion of policy exchanges between countries. Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Yim Chhay Ly also welcomed President CHOI’s award of an honorary doctorate. On August 14th, Deputy Prime Minister Yim Chhay Ly met with President Choi and congratulated him on receiving his degree.Deputy Prime Minister Yim Chhay Ly, facing Minister Choi, said, “Thank you for serving as an advisor to the Prime Minister of Cambodia for 10 years. I hope that President CHOI and YU will continue in playing a role in the development of Cambodia in the new government led by the new Prime Minister.” President Choi has as deep trust with the Cambodian government as having served as an advisor to the Prime Minister for 10 years since 2014. Therefore, they continued to request an advisory role in the recent election of a new prime minister. This is why the relationship between YU and Cambodia is expected to grow even more after President CHOI received an honorary doctorate. Love calls are continuing not only from the Cambodian government but also from the legislature and major institutions. On August 16th, Cambodian National Assembly member Suos Yara (Chairman of the National Assembly Foreign Affairs Committee) met President CHOI and actively requested the establishment and operation of Saemaul University in Cambodia. National Assembly member Suos Yara said, “We are building infrastructure, such as constructing a new building, to establish Saemaul University. Support from YU is desperately needed for systematic operation of Saemaul University. I hope YU will serve as an operating and advisory member of Saemaul University”He also visited YU in February of last year and requested that YU plays a role in promoting exchanges between both countries and the development of Cambodia.On August 15th, the day after the degree was awarded, President CHOI met with Sok Silo, Chairman of the Cambodia Development Center (CD Center), and discussed on expansion of Saemaul Undong in Cambodia.Chairman Sok Silo said, “Young people in Cambodia are highly interested in the Saemaul Undong.I hope that YU will expand the Saemaul Undong invitational training.” There were also congratulatory messages from prominent domestic figures. Former Prime Minister Chung Hong-won and National Assembly member Yoon Jae-ok, floor leader of the People's Power Party, sent a congratulatory video directly to the graduation ceremony, adding to the meaning of President Choi's award of an honorary doctorate. President CHOI said, “In the past, Korea made the foundation for economic development by receiving material and institutional support from the international community, including the United Nations. As the result, today, Korea has risen from one of the world's poorest countries to a developed country. I believe that Korea, which has become an advanced country, must step forward to solve common tasks in the international community, especially to overcome poverty in developing countries. We will actively strive to share the educational and research know-how about Saemaul Undong and Korea’s development experience accumulated by YU with the international community at the university level
- PR team
- 2023. 09. 13
- 2023. 09. 04
- 12105
Contribution in creating excellent jobs for the underemployed and small and medium enterprises and discovering jobs for future industries Award by the Minister of Employment and Labor at the 2023 Government Award Ceremony for Job Creation An example of YU’s ability to contribute to the local community [September 06, 2023] JEON In (49, professor of business administration), YU’s Employment Office Director, received a commendation for job creation from the government.He has been recognized for his contribution in creating local jobs and discovering jobs for the transformation of future industries over the past 15 years.Minister LEE Jeong-sik of Employment and Labor presented the award to Director JEON In of Employment and Labor at the “2023 Government Award Ceremony for Job Creation” held at the International Conference Hall of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Seoul on the 4th. The government award for job creation is an award given by the Ministry of Employment and Labor to people of merit from all walks of life who have set an example while playing a leading role in supporting job creation and promoting youth and senior employment. Director JEON In of Employment and Labor has participated in policy research, evaluation, advice, and consulting on basic, regional, and government job creation projects to create jobs in Daegu and Gyeongbuk.Especially, through cooperation with Gyeongsangbuk-do, the “Job Strategy Centered on the Living Economy Zone” which reflects the characteristics of the industry and labor market in each Gyeongbuk region in 2021 was confirmed as a pledge task of the 8th popularly elected governor of Gyeongbuk Province to discover specialized job policies that allow local residents to work without leaving the region.Through advisory and consulting on the Gyeongbuk Job Project (Regional Innovation Project, Preemptive Employment Stabilization Package), contributions were made in the highest national level rating and the largest national budget for three consecutive years (2021-2023). From 2010 to present, he has served as an evaluation committee member for the Ministry of Employment and Labor's local industry-tailored job creation support project, serving as an expert to revitalize local employment policies through research on local jobs, governance improvement measures, and research on the central government's local job policies. Director JEON In of Employment and Labor said, “Based on my experience and know-how in local job policies, I wil try to implement an industry-academy-government cooperation model to prevent young talents from leaving the metropolitan area and allow YU to play a leading role in improving the competitiveness of local human resources and revitalizing local industries while they settle in the region. I will work hard to implement it.” President CHOI Oe-chool said, “This award is a good example of the many achievements that Yeungnam University’s outstanding researchers are making, including education and research, contributing to the development of the local community. We will continuously provide various kinds of support for cultivation of excellent talents needed for the region and society and for development of future industries.”
- PR team
- 2023. 09. 13
- 2023. 09. 06
- 11959