- International Services
- 2010. 11. 11
- 17908
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> Raised development funds in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the school of Mechanical Engineering [May 28, 2010] Professors of the School of Mechanical Engineering joined to the campaign to raise scholarship funds for their students. On the 27th at the faculty conference room of the School of Mechanical Engineering, a donation ceremony for scholarship funds amounting to 267.7 million won raised by 30 professors of the School of Mechanical Engineering was held. <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_09588493251966312 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-10-21_17-08-21_495.jpg\" target=_blank> Professors of the School of Mechanical Engineering that participated in the scholarship donation ceremony are gathering to take a photo. Professor Kim, Su-yeon, dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering, who handed the donation certificate to the president, stated, \"Since opening the department in 1960, we graduated 10,000 students. I am very proud to be a professor of the Yeungnam University School of Mechanical Engineering whenever I hear news that our students are playing important roles in different parts of our society\" while adding, \"I hope that our students will do well to continue the tradition of our school, and our professors got together to give scholarships to encourage the students.\" Lee, Hyo-soo, president of Yeungnam University, replied \"I would like to express my gratitude and respect to the professors who so generously gave their students what they have despite the bad economic situation.\" adding, \"I\'m confident that the students will understand their professors\' hope and work harder.\" Meanwhile, an event commemorating the 50th anniversary of the department, was held at the machinery hall of Yeungnam University. On the first floor lobby of the hall, the \'Engineering Project Exhibition\' was held, displaying the engineering design works of 46 undergraduate students that included solar cars, unmanned vehicles, urban wind power generators, atomic microscopes, Robot Taekwon V and Mazinger Z. The \'Engineering Project Exhibition\' is an event held every year to improve the creativity, adaptability, and presentation abilities of students in the school of mechanical engineering. Since being held for the first time in the Korea in 1995 by the Yeungnam University School of Mechanical Engineering, \'Engineering Project Exhibition\' has grown to become a nation-wide creative engineering education program. <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_012950340258530918 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-10-21_17-08-46_495.jpg\" target=_blank> Students are introducing their works to Lee, Hyo-soo, who visited the Engineering Project Exhibition. At Songam Hall, the \'Outstanding Companies Around Us\' presentation was held. Students who visited 17 local medium companies including Sangsin Brake, Hwashin and Ajin presented results on their investigations and analyses to their classmates, and selected 1 team for the president\'s award, 3 teams for the dean\'s award, and 5 teams for the director\'s award. In addition, electric vehicle experience and learning programs were held outside of the machinery hall arousing the interest and participation of not only students in the school of Mechanical engineering, but the public as well. <P style=\"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffe0\"> ※ History of Yeungnam University School of Mechanical Engineering ▲Established 3 departments related to mechanical engineering (mechanics, mechanic design, precision mechanics) (1960) ▲ Nation\'s first voluntary department integration (1992) ▲ Conducted national policy engineering project (1994~99, national funding of 5 billion won per year) ▲ Supervising university for BK21 mechanical industry (1999~2006, national funding of 2.5 billion won per year) ▲ Acquired nation\'s first ABEEK (Accreditation Board for Engineering Education of Korea) (2001) ▲ Placed 5th among the 81 departments (schools) of mechanical engineering in the national universities evaluation (2005) ▲ 2nd stage BK21 local best graduate school project (2006~current) ▲Automobile parts and materials order-based human resource fostering project designated by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2008)
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> Continued employment at large companies such as Samsung Electronics and Korean Air Also enroll in graduate school on full scholarships [May 24, 2010] Cho, Jae-won (31) is a senior researcher of the \'Digital Solution Center\' of Samsung Electronics Technology Corporate Technology Operation . He received his PhD (Information and Communication Engineering) at the Yeungnam University Graduate School in March 2008. In December 2007, he also acquired a PhD (electronic engineering) at the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA de Lyon, hereinafter called \'INSA\') located in Lyon, France. After enrolling in the Yeungnam University PhD course in September 2004, he completed one semester and went to INSA in March 2005 as an international student of the dual degree course. In 3 years and 6 months he was able to complete the difficult task of acquiring not one, but two PhDs in each country, respectively. His discourse, which was and the reason why he was able to acquire two PhDs simultaneously, was titled \'A Study on Watermarking, Compressing and Integrated Methods of Different Types of 3D Graphic Data.\" It was a research field essential for the increasing value of digital contents, fostering of the contents industry, and development of next-generation telecommunications industries. His international dual PhD that took hard work to acquire became his \'ticket to employment\' In August 2007, at the Yeungnam University Graduate School graduation ceremony, Kim, Min-soo(32) obtained the area\'s first Korea-France joint PhD. He got his PhD at the Yeungnam University Graduate School of Information and Communication Engineering, and is currently working as a researcher for aviation safety related software development at the Navigation Control Group of the Korean Air Institute of Aerospace Technology(Daejeon). Baek, Yoo-soon (26), who got into the Yeungnam University College of Natural Resources left for the US to acquire a dual degree at Iowa State University in March 2005 in her junior year and after acquiring a diploma from both universities in 2007, she went on to graduate school in the US. She is currently attending Colorado State University working on her master\'s degree in biology. Such international dual degree programs are becoming a \'ticket to ensure one\'s future\' to easily find employment at the large companies and to enrich their future. Yeungnam University, which began international dual degree programs since the second semester of 2002 with Michigan Technology University, Washington State University, and INSA of France, has further enlarged its partnerships with St. John\'s University, Iowa State University, and Liaoning University and Beihua University in China. <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_07748147146190816 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-10-13_10-15-11_495.jpg\" target=_blank> INSA of France is operating a dual degree program for graduate school students, and a \'3+2 bachelor\'s & master\'s program\' for students studying commerce and economics is available at St. John\'s University. The \'3+2 bachelor\'s & master\'s program\' allows students to complete a 3 year course at the Yeungnam University College of Commerce & Economics and then a 2 year master\'s degree course in accounting at St. John\'s University to acquire a bachelors at Yeungnam University and a master\'s degree in accounting at St. John\'s University. By doing so, students also become qualified to apply for AICPA tests. Furthermore, Yeungnam University College of Natural Resources is operating the international dual degree program with Iowa State University since the first semester of 2005. With the Iowa State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences a \'3+1 joint degree program\' and with the Iowa State University Department of Design and Landscape Architecture Department a \'2.5 + 2.5 joint degree program\' is being operated. <Photo> Currently, a total of 26 students from Yeungnam University has been sent abroad for the international dual degree program. While they are abroad, they receive scholarships for tuition at Yeungnam University, as well as that for the tuition and registration fees at the respective universities. Cho, Hyeon-dae (27, School of Business), who is in his last semester at St. John\'s University since attending there in the second semester of 2008, said, \"I didn\'t have to worry about tuition since I received a full scholarship while studying in the US, and on top of that, I was able to receive my master\'s degree a year ahead of everyone else. Since I\'ve received the best opportunity, I will do my best to receive global recognition in the accounting field.\" Joo, Sang-woo (51, School of Mechanical Engineering), vice-president of International Programs, stated, \"The fact that students can invest the same amount of time with others and receive a degree at both Yeungnam University and prominent schools abroad results in reduced opportunity costs, and it will also calculate into enhancing their international competitiveness.\" <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_009973001485206978 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-10-13_10-15-38_495.jpg\" target=_blank> From next year, an international dual degree program is also being planned with the University of Cergy-Pontoise of France. The University of Cergy-Pontoise is a public university of France established in 1991, and currently has 29,000 students enrolled in 150 different majors, and is also conducting interchange with 150 schools all around the world. It signed a general exchange agreement with Yeungnam University in 2004, and has been conducting student exchange programs since 2006. <Photo: International Dual Degree Program Signing Ceremony> For universities in China, over 50 students have been or are in their dual degree course at Yeungnam University since 2005. Yeungnam University is also operating a dual degree program for international students from Chinese universities. This is because with the increase of exchange between Korea and China, as well as the Hallyu wave, there has been a growth in Chinese students wishing to receive a degree at Korean universities. Thus, Yeungnam University agreed on a dual degree program with Beihua University and Huazhong University of Education of China in September 2004 and July 2006, respectively. Since 2005, over 50 Chinese students came to Yeungnam University and currently, over 30 student are enrolled in undergraduate and graduate school programs of Yeungnam University.
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> Young scientist that represents the nation in the LED sector Participated by leaders of Korea, China and Japan, expected to promote interest in \'green technologies\' [May 10, 2010] <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_040128868341466306 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-10-12_14-21-18_495.jpg\" target=_blank> Professor of Jang, Ja-soon (38, Department of Electronic engineering, photo) of Yeungnam University will be participating in the \'1st Korea-China-Japan Young Scientists Workshop\' as the Korean representative in the LED sector. This workshop, which will be held as a secondary event of the \'Korea-China-Japan summit meeting\' in Jeju-do on the 29th and 30th, will attract young scientists of the 3 nations in Northeast Asia concerning the theme of \'Green Wave to Open an Environment-Friendly Future\'. The workshop will be on four main categories and 19 sub-sectors of Green IT (Power IT, Smart Grid, LED). Green Energy (Atomic Power, Nuclear Fusion, Solar Power, Solar Cell, Hydrogen Fuel Cell, Secondary Cells), Green City (Urban Regeneration, Environment-friendly Architecture, Green Traffic, Ecological Area Establishment), and Green Environment (Carbon Circulation Monitoring, Climate Monitoring/Forecast, Ecology Monitoring, Water Circulation Monitoring, Water Resources Management, etc). KISTEP (Korea Institute of Science & Technology Evaluation and Planning), which is hosting the workshop, selected 20 experts in the different fields, and Professor Jang was selected as the Korean representative for the LED sector in the Green IT category. A group of candidates for the workshop were selected through rigid screening after being recommended by relevant industry-academic-research institutes, as well as research foundation pools, green development pools, and experts. In the last five years, Professor Jang published 35 SCI theses in the LED sectors, made 30 presentations in international academic conferences, and possesses 3 international patents and 19 domestic patents. Such astonishing research accomplishments shows that Professor Jang is a young scientist that can represent the nation in the LED sector. Professor Jang is currently leading the \'Yeungnam University LED-IT Fusion Technology Research Center\' in which 41 billion won will be invested for the next five years from the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, local governments and cooperating businesses, and is pursuing the development LED-IT platform technologies and commercialization technologies with the goal of creating the \'World\'s Top 3 LED Fusion Industrial Complex\' and \'LED Fusion Industrial Hub of Northeast Asia\', while also constructing a patent bank and patent technology map, as well as developing an LED-IT fusion industrial complex model. Prior to participating in the workshop, Professor Jang emphasized the importance of LED fusion technologies by stating, \"LEDs are truly a great invention that it may be called the revolution of light of the 21st century. The possibilities are infinite when combining it with IT technologies that exceed time and space, and we can only imagine how much revolutionary changes will be brought about for our lives. First off, people will feel for themselves just how much their surrounding environment has changed. Once all the lights that surround us, such as street lights, automobile lights, home lighting, and neon signs on buildings, are changed to LEDs, we will not only be able to cut expenses used for power, but also live in a much more pleasant environment.\" Meanwhile, leaders of Korea, China and Japan are also scheduled to stop by the workshop and encourage the participants, and thus international interest on green technologies can be expected.
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> [May 11, 2010] The \'Global Saemaul School\', which will become a cradle for the 21st century-type Saemaul movement, was established for the first time in Korea through the cooperation of the university, international academic society, and local self-governing organizations. Lee, Hyo-soo, president of Yeungnam University, signed an MOU on the establishment and operation of the \'Global Saemaul School\' with Choi, Oe-chool, chairman of the Global Saemaul Forum and Lee, Jae-man, director of the Daegu Dong-gu Office at the Dong-gu Office on the 11th. <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_09077323420900167 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-09-30_12-53-22_495.bmp\" target=_blank> The Global Saemaul School celebrated its 40th anniversary since its establishment by the late President Park, Chung-hee on April 22, 1970, and while looking back the basic spirit and historical meaning of the Saemaul Movement, for the first time in Korea, it has been installed in Dong-gu, Daegu, for the local self-governing organization in order to lead a 21st century Saemaul Movement needed in an era of a paradigm shift. With the establishment of the Global Saemaul School later this year, Yeungnam University will support Dong-gu becoming a intelligence-based society and procure an edge in intellectual competitiveness through research on related educational programs and dispatching experts. Dong-gu Office will help improve the intellectual competitiveness of residents and enhance traditional cultures for the learning and practicing of the 21st century Saemaul spirit of diligence, self-help, cooperation, service and creation. The Global Saemaul Forum\'s goal is to develop an intellectual competitiveness base model of Dong-gu through the operation of the Global Saemaul School, foster leaders for experience-based education on traditional cultures and the global servicing culture, while systemizing the spirit and experience of Korea\'s successful development model and sharing it with the world. On this, Lee, Hyo-soo, president of Yeungnam University, stated, \"The Global Saemaul School will provide the opportunity for lifelong learning for not only the community, but the entire nation, systemize the Saemaul Movement of Korea and the past experience in national development by fostering global service leaders, and lead the 21st century Saemaul Movement in the front line.
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> 4 Chinese International Students Selected for Government Scholarships Korean Fulbright Offers 1 Year \'GKS Scholarship\' [May 6, 2010] International students at Yeungnam University were selected for the \'2010 GKS Outstanding International Student Scholarship (hereinafter referred to as GKS Scholarship)\' recently announced by the government. ‘GKS’ (Global Korea Scholarship) integrated existing scholarship programs for domestic and foreign students by the National Institute for International Education, which is under the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. The \'Outstanding International Student Scholarship\' program, which is part of this scholarship program, offers government scholarships by selecting outstanding international students who came to Korea paying their own way. It is basically the \'Korean Fulbright Scholarship Program\'. Candidates for the \'GKS Scholarship\' in the past February are undergraduates who placed level 4 in TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) with a GPA of 3.0 (out of 4.5) or higher. Its goal is to offer government scholarships to students who are good at Korean and have outstanding grades in order to enhance the national image. <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_08699797464914925 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-09-27_15-38-25_495.jpg\" target=_blank> Chinese Students who received GKS scholarships (left to right: Fei Chengji, Qui Min, Jia Yushan, Wang Chunqing) At Yeungnam University, 4 Chinese international students applied for the scholarship. They are Wang Chungqing (王純淸, 21, Senior in Economics and Finance), Jia Yushan (賈玉刪, 24, Senior in International Economics and Business), Qui Min (邱敏, 23, Senior in Chinese Language and Culture), and Fei Chengji (裵丞姬, 23, Senior in Sociology), and they all received the scholarship for a 100% success rate. Thus, these four students will receive a monthly 500 thousand won scholarship per person for one year from the Korean government. Fei Chengji, who is from Heilongjiang, stated, \"I am very happy that I could take a load off of my parents, who have been working here in Korea to pay for my tuition. I am very grateful to Korea.\" Their future goals are all the same. They all wish to act as a bridge for developing friendly relations between Korea and China. For this, Fei Chengji is planning to go on to graduate school and become a professional translator/interpreter, and the other three hope to work in the trade business between Korea and China. Park, Gi-dong, director of the International Service Team of Yeungnam University, stated, \"We not only provide Korean language education to foreigners hoping to study in Korea, but also offer free Korean language courses every day for 2 hours fitting to their skill level to foreigners studying in our undergraduate and graduate schools. In addition, we offer support for taking the TOPIK, while also providing the Buddy Program to help foreign students adapt to school and life here in Korean by teaming them up with Korean students.\" He added, \"Just as the US did in the past, the more outstanding international students that receive scholarships from our country\'s government, the higher our international prestige will rise.\" Meanwhile, Yeungnam University admitted a total of 1,100 international students this semester. This is an increase of three folds compared to the same period five years ago (at 348 students), and it shows evidence of how quickly the school is becoming globalized. Also, the fact that international students are coming in from all over the world in 29 countries such as Germany, Russia, Macedonia, Turkey, Poland, France, Dominican Republic, USA, Canada, Brazil, Peru, Rwanda, Senegal and Kenya, proves that inbound globalization, which is the goal of making the campus a global village, is successfully underway.
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> Groundbreaking Ceremony of the LED-IT Fusion Technology Research Center of the 4th 410 billion won invested in the next 5 years to construct world\'s top 3 LED fusion industrial complex [May 4, 2010] A bright light has turned on in finding the next-generation growth engine of our community and our nation. Yeungnam University (president Lee, Hyo-soo) held a groundbreaking ceremony for the \'LED-IT Fusion Technology Research Center (director Jang, Ja-soon, hereinafter referred to as Center)\' at the northeast side of the Industry-Academic Cooperative Technology Institute at the Gyeongsan Campus at 3:30 on the 4th. At this day\'s event, Choi, Gyeong-hwan (Minister of Knowledge Economy), Kim, Gwan-yong (governor of Gyeongbuk), Kim, Beom-il (mayor of Daegu), Woo, Ui-hyeong (chairperson of Yeungnam Academy Foundation), Park, Bong-gyu (president of the Korea Industrial Complex Corporation), Yoon, Sang-han (director of the Daegu-Gyeongbuk leading industry support organization), and CEOs of relevant companies attended to congratulate the establishment of the Center. <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_08237571232488507 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-09-17_17-19-03_495.jpg\" target=_blank> ;<A class=imageUtil id=thumb_02730111549356032 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-09-17_17-19-03_495.jpg\" target=_blank> This center, which will have 1 underground story and stand 5 stories high with a total floor area of 7,486.16㎡ is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year, and it will act as a hub for the industry-academic-government cooperation network that connects Yeungnam University, local authorities such as Gyeongsangbuk-do, Daegu, Gyeongsan, and Gumi, and over 20 related companies such as LG Display, Heesung Electronics and SL. Through this, the Center will promote research and industrialization of fusion and integrated technologies of LED technologies and IT technologies in order to act as a spearhead for finding new growth engines for not only the community, but for all of Korea. <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_00024534046525626074 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-09-17_17-19-56_495.jpg\" target=_blank> An aerial view of the LED-IT Fusion Technology Research Center The business goal of the Center is to establish the \'world\'s top 3 LED fusion industry complex\' and to establish the \'LED fusion industry hub of Northeast Asia\'. Accordingly, the center is aiming to create a greater synergy effect by tying together the local major industry of IT with automobiles and display industry. As part of this, they are planning to develop platform technologies and commercialization technologies for LED-IT fusion in the five main sectors of light source, intelligent automobiles, TV, lighting, reliability and malfunction analysis The new technologies that are developed will be saved in the \'patent bank\'. The related patented technologies will be constructed into a map so that they may be utilized when finding venture businesses in the LED-IT sector. Furthermore, a pilot production complex will be made in Gyeongsan and Gumi, and by hosting domestic and foreign businesses related with LED and IT, to maximize the operation rate in 2013. In addition, the Center is also planning to provide support for the marketing strategies of companies as well. Yeungnam University is also planning to establish undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate courses related to LED-IT to foster advanced professionals, while operating the Center under a \'full-time researcher system\' to adopt liability management for promotion and performance of projects. It is also planning to cooperate with domestic and foreign institutes that are strong in the LED sector such as the Korea Photonics Technology Institute, Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea Institute of Lighting Technology, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daegu-Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology. Jang, Ja-soon (38, Department of Information and Communication Engineering), who will be overseeing the Center for the next 5 years, stated \"The LED industry, which was worth 14 billion dollars in 2007, is expected to develop and grow to be worth 100 billion dollars by 2015.\" He added, \"The Center will develop and successfully establish an LED-IT fusion Technology complex model through the establishment of an automobile LED light source cluster in Gyeongsan, a medical LED cluster in Daegu, and an LED display lighting cluster in Gumi in order to act as a hub for pursuing the LED-IT fusion industry that is worth hundreds of billions of won.\" Meanwhile, Yeungnam University, which is in pursuit of the \'Global Frontier 10-3-10\' strategy aiming at becoming one of the top 10 universities in the 3 major fusion and integration research areas within 10 years, is expected to spearhead the \'green energy and green growth\' sector through the establishment of the Center. On this, Lee, Hyo-soo, president of Yeungnam University, stressed \"By accelerating the GIFT Plan (Green Innovation For Tomorrow Plan) for the future society, we will embody the Glocal Initiative in the green growth sector, while presenting a successful model for the fusion and integrated research paradigm.
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> Participation in the \'Mongolia-Korea Education Fair\' in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Korea-Mongolia diplomatic relations Jump-starting Inbound Globalization [April 30, 2010] Yeungnam University (president Lee, Hyo-soo) is accelerating its recruiting of outstanding international students from abroad. It is part of the inbound globalization strategy to make the campus itself a global village. For this, in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Korea-Mongolia diplomatic relations, Yeungnam University participated in the \'2010 Mongolia-Korea Education Fair\' held in Ulan Bator University for 2 days on April 24 and 25. At this education fair hosted by the national international education center, booths of 30 domestic universities, including that of Yeungnam University, were opened to greet the locals interested in studying in Korea. <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_042468506512904635 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-09-03_14-32-06_495.jpg\" target=_blank> At the Korea Education Fair held at Ulan Bator University, Mongolia on April 24 and 25, a crowd is gathered at the Yeungnam University booth. <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_04300244611140732 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-09-03_14-32-27_495.jpg\" target=_blank> The high interest of Mongolians on Korea was shown in this education fair, as there is a pavilion called \'Seouljeong\', and there are streets named \'Street of Seoul\' and \'Namyangju Street\', in Ulan Bator, which is the capital of Mongolia. Sohn, Dae-hyeong (38) from the Yeungnam University International Services Team who participated in this education fair stated, \"We gathered quite a crowd and passed out all 700 publications that we prepared on the morning of the first day. In the 2 days, over 1,500 people came to our booth for advice and information on studying abroad.\" Among the locals who came to receive consulting on studying abroad, there were a Korean language teacher at a local high school who wished to study Korea by enrolling at the Yeungnam University graduate school, as well as current professors and doctors who are interested in gaining their doctorates in Korea. There were over 200 people left their personal and contact information after receiving consultations on studying abroad. Yeungnam University is planning to provide them with international study information and other information necessary to adapt to life in Korea, and will continuously manage them in order to attract talented international students. <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_05247506780982566 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-09-03_14-32-55_495.jpg\" target=_blank> On this, vice-president Joo, Sang-woo, Office of International Programs of Yeungnam University, stated, \"Mongolia has the third highest amount of international students in Korea, showing their friendliness to Korea.\" He also added, \"In order to expand the Korea-friendly, Yeungnam University-friendly global network, we are planning to actively participate in international education fairs in other countries as well.\" Meanwhile, in the first semester of 2010, there are over 1,100 international students studying at Yeungnam University, which is more than tripled compared to 5 years ago in 2005 (348 international students).
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> Nanotechnology (NT) research, which will bring about a \'revolution\' in human life, leading \'Nano Powerhouse Korea\' Publishing a monthly average of 3.2 theses, and Publishing 1.4 theses a month per professor in SCI journals [April 19, 2010] Everything in the world is becoming smaller. A super computer that was as big as a house is now made in a chip that is the size of a human thumb. Items that are small, as well as have unique and unexpected features are being produced. \'Nano\', which means \'ultra small\' or \'extremely fine\', technologies are changing the world. The applications of nanotechnologies are limitless, and is currently used in solar cells, semiconductors, wall-mountable TVs, laundry machines, shampoo and cosmetics. Nanotechnologies (NT), which control the properties of a substance that is 1/100,000 the size of the human hair (1nm=1m/1 billion), is said to be the \'3 major science technologies\' together with information technologies (IT) and bioengineering technologies (BT) of the 21st century, and is leading technological revolutions. The \'Yeungnam University Nano Project Group\' (director Joo, Sang-woo, School of Mechanical Engineering), which is conducting the \'WCU (World Class University) project\' of MEST, is revealing its world-class research performance, and brightening the future of Korean NT. <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_08390081082083671 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-09-01_10-07-37_495.jpg\" target=_blank> Professors of the Nano Project Group are having discussions on the development of bio-sensors that apply NT (from left, clockwise, Professors Barnerjee, Xu, Joo, Sang-woo, Sharma) Since its full-fledged research in September of last year, during the 7 months, the Yeungnam University Nano Project Group published a total of 24 SCI theses for a monthly average of 3.2. It has published theses in world prominent SCI journals such as ≪Physical Chemistry, A≫ and ≪Biomicrofluidics≫ under the name of the Yeungnam University Nano Project Group. ≪Physical Chemistry, A≫ is a specialized academic journal issued by the American Chemistry Society, and is in the top 3 of the 106 journals in the related sector. ≪Biomicrofluidics≫ of the American Institute of Physics is ranked in the top 10 for the liquid and plasma dynamics sector. Despite this, publishing 3.2 theses monthly in SCI journals was possible due to the excellence and efforts of the professors participating in the nano project group. Professors currently participating in the Yeungnam University Nano Project Group area are Professor Joo, Sang-woo(director, 51, School of Mechanical Engineering), Professor Ashutosh Sharma (49), and Professor Shizi Qian (39), as well as Professor Arghya Narayan Banerjee (35), who joined in March and Professor Lin Xu (30), who joined in early April of this year. Theses published by them in SCI journals can be averaged out to 1.4 per month by each professor. When including joint research theses, 16 theses were published by Joo, Sang-woo, 12 by Qian and 9 by Sharma in SCI journals. Professor Banerjee has applied 5 of his theses to SCI journals in his first month and is waiting for its publication. In addition, the Yeungnam University Nano Project Group published a total of 12 theses by participating in domestic and international academic conferences, and is accumulating quite noticeable research achievements such as providing nanotechnology consulting for the Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials (KIMM). Normally, physical time required for applying, screening and publishing of SCI theses are approximately 6 months. Therefore, it is possible to say that the Yeungnam University Nano Project Group\'s SCI theses publication and research performance exceeds world-class and is at the world best level. Professor Sharma, who is a chair-professor of the India Institute of Technology (IIT) that is called the \'MIT of India\', as well as one of the 5 major scholars of global nanotechnologies, and in particular nano-patterning, stated \"It is difficult for universities to publish more than 10 SCI theses in a year even in the US, China, Japan and Europe, which are advanced nations in the nanotechnology sector.\" He added, \"It is remarkable that we published 24 SCI theses in just 7 months of starting full-scaled research.\" Research on \'Nano Bio Technologies\', Contributing to the success of the High-tech Medical Complex Based on such research achievements, the project group is planning to focus on nano fusion technology applications and experimentations this year. In particular, by hosting the High-tech Medical Complex, they are planning to promote \'nano-bio\' technology research, which will be the future competitive edge of the region. Director Joo, Sang-woo, explained, \"A nano-robot smaller than a white blood cell will go into the veins of humans to fight off germs, and treat injured areas using necessary medicines, and by attaching arms that can attach medicine to cancerous cells, it will be possible to select and kill cancer cells. All this is possible through NT.\" He also added, \"We will play a leading role in research and application of nanotechnologies, so that our nation will have competitiveness in the global nano market, which is expected to be worth 1 trillion dollars by 2015.\" Meanwhile, the Yeungnam University Nano Project Group, which was selected for the WCU project by MEST in late April, will receive national funding amounting to 3.5 million dollars until August 2013 in order to conduct fundamental research on nanotechnologies, and development of fusion technology.
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> \"How old are you?\" Published on US SSCI Journal <Journal of Gerontology> while receiving international recognition. Accomplishment in convergence between fundamental research and clinical research. [April 13, 2010] Though aging is an inevitable fate for humankind, immortality is also the people\'s hope. However, one\'s age is not in direct proportion to the level of aging. Therefore, in order to live a youthful and healthy life, it is crucial to accurately diagnose one\'s level of aging. Yeungnam University professors Cho, Kyung-hyun (School of Biotechnology) and Shin, Dong-gu (College of Medicine) teamed up for joint research and became the first in the world to find a key bio-marker for aging in the blood. Using this, they have opened the doors for diagnosing the level of aging in a simple manner. The research team who are with the \'Yeungnam University Aging-associated Vascular Disease Research Center\' (director Kim, Jae-ryong), which is Medical Science Research Center (MRC) supported by MEST and the National Research Foundation of Korea, sampled blood from 60 people to make comparative analyses on senior citizens over 65 years old at an average of 71 years old and youths with an average of 22 for the past 2 years. In result, they became the first to reveal that antioxidant activities, which suppress aging, and HDL (high density lipoprotein), which is known as \'good cholesterol\', were reciprocally proportionate. With more aging, antioxidant activities in lipoprotein within the blood dropped, and that the size and density of HDL also dropped were revealed through their experimentations. It is already a well known fact that the higher amount of HDL you have in your blood, which acts as a \'blood vessel janitor\' that transports cholesterol in tissues to the liver so that it can be excreted, the healthier it is for you. However, this was the first time to reveal that the HDL size and density in blood was more important than its quantity. Furthermore, the research team revealed that proper diets, and aerobic exercises such as swimming and track were very effective for increasing the size and density of HDL, and thus presented a detailed method for suppressing aging (See attachment). In addition, the research team also discovered that with aging, apolipoprotein, which is an important protein in the blood, started to break for the first time. The research team reported these research results as an important aging diagnosis marker, and they have already applied for patents on their development of an aging diagnosis kit (Invention: aging diagnosis method and bio-marker for aging diagnosis). <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_021867035751631802 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-08-18_10-33-08_495.jpg\" target=_blank> The research results acquired through fundamental and clinical studies were confirmed for publication in the May edition of the ≪Journal of Gerontology≫, which is an SSCI (social sciences citation index) journal, and very rare for a natural science thesis to be published on such. Thus, the importance of the research results were recognized by a globally prominent journal that has been published since 1946 the Gerontological Society of America, with an impact index of 4.003. Prior to this in January, Professor Cho, Kyung-hyun reported that fructose changed the functions and structure of apolipoprotein existing in the blood, and that it caused and accelerated diabetes, atherosclerosis and aging, while also revealing its scientific mechanism. Professor Cho, Kyung-hyun (42, School of Biotechnology), who led this research, stated, \"When considering that existing aging diagnosis methods that required extraction of cells or tissues not only required complex procedures and high costs, but also had some risks to it, the results of this research will contribute considerably to the popularization of aging diagnosis.\" He also added, \"By applying the blood extraction aging diagnosis method that was newly developed to health check-ups, everyone will be able to easily diagnosis their biological level of aging, and be able to find a way to maintain their youth and health.\"