- Graduate Schools
- 2010. 03. 31
- 18595
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> Signed the \'Industry-Academic Employment Agreement\' with LG Electronics and LG Display Every year 20 employment opportunities guaranteed from new students of 2010 [Dec 17, 2009] <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_006826262671059063 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-03-29_16-57-47_495.jpg\" target=_blank> Cho, Gwan-sik (left), executive director of LG Electronics, and Cho, Kye-Hyun, dean of External Cooperation of Yeungnam University, is signing an agreement for industry-academic cooperation education and employment guarantee of the \'Major of Green Energy Association\'. Students majoring in \'Green Energy Association\' at Yeungnam University are guaranteed employment at large conglomerates at the time of their admission. Yeungnam University (president Lee, Hyo-soo) signed an \'industry-academic employment agreement\' with LG Electronics (CEO, Nam, Yong) at the LG Electronics Institute of Technology in the morning of the 17th. With the agreement on the promotion of the industry-academic cooperation education and the employment to foster on-site type engineering human resources, Yeungnam University and LG Electronics organized an \'industry-academic cooperation operation committee\' and agreed to focus on fostering excellent engineering HR through customized education programs. In particular, LG Electronics promised to hire five students majoring in the \'Green Energy Association\' that will be newly established in 2010. On the 26th of last month, an \'industrial-academic employment agreement\' was also concluded with LG Display (CEO Kwon, Yeong-soo) and pledged to hire 15 students every year among those majoring in the \'Green Energy Association\'. Thus, 20 of the 25 student (80%) for the Yeungnam University \'Major of Green Energy Association\' that will be newly created in 2010 will be guaranteed employment in LG Electronics and LG Display immediately after graduating. Lee, Hyo-soo, president of Yeungnam University, stated that, \"The goal of this is for mutual win-win by the university fostering excellent human resources fitting the requirements of the company, and by the company trusting in the university and employing its students.\" He also added, \"Since students majoring in Green Energy Association do not have to spend their time preparing to find a job, they will be able to devote more of their time to schoolwork.\" Meanwhile, the \'Major of Green Energy Association\' selected a total of 25 students in the 2010; students quota are 4 from the Department of Physics, 7 from the School of Mechanical Engineering Major of Mechanical Advanced Engineering, 7 from the School of Materials Science and Engineering, and 7 from the School of Display and Chemical Engineering. A special feature of this is that professors of different majors will be lecturing and providing student guidance in unison to foster experts in the \'green energy\' sector, which is yet an untouched field through fusion-convergence between different academic disciplines. Because students in the Major of Green Energy Association can acquire two diplomas at the time of their graduation, they will attain more competitive edge. This is because in this era where more than 85% of high school graduates go on to universities, one cannot be competitive with a normal diploma. In addition, new students in the \'Major of Green Energy Association\' receive full scholarships, and also the special opportunity to study abroad for a short period. Applicants for this major must be in the top 23% for language, math, foreign language, and science (average of 3 subjects).
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> [Dec 21, 2009] Starting from the first semester of 2010, students at Yeungnam University can acquire up to 21 credit units per semester at Korea University and Yonsei University. Yeungnam University (President Lee, Hyo-Soo) entered an agreement for academic, student and credit exchange with Korea University (President Lee, Ki-Su) in October and with Yonsei University (President Kim, Han-Joong) on the 21st of the this month. <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_043029539180688403 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-03-16_19-09-52_495.jpg\" target=_blank> On Oct. 15 Lee, Hyo-Soo, President of Yeungnam University (left) is meeting Lee, Ki-Su, President of Korea University at Korea University to enter the academic, student and credit exchange agreement. Thus, Yeungnam University has agreed to cooperate with Korea University and Yonsei University on faculty exchange programs, joint research, co-hosting of academic conferences, mutual exchange of academic materials, publications and information, as well as on the mutual use of facilities. In particular, from 2010, they have agreed to exchange students and credits for regular semesters and seasonal semesters as well. Subjects for credit exchange are regular courses offered at each university, and students who want credit exchange are to receive recommendation from the dean of Academic Affairs. Thus, students of Yeungnam University can acquire up to 21 credit units (based on regular semesters) at Korea University or Yonsei University, and vice versa. <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_05430272460334111 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-03-16_19-10-18_495.jpg\" target=_blank> On Dec. 21 at Yonsei University with the attendance of the staff of the two universities, Lee, Hyo-Soo, President of Yeungnam University (left) and Kim, Han-Joong, President of Yonsei University holds up the exchange agreement. On this, Lee, Hyo-Soo stated, \"There is now a need for a paradigm shift in college education, and it is now a time to go beyond the categorization of being in a provincial area or the Seoul area, and improve the global competitiveness of Korean universities and Korean human resources.\" He also added, \"It is now time for the private universities of Korea to unite in order to present a new paradigm for university education.\" The presidents of the two universities stated, \"Let\'s now present a new framework for Korean universities through actual and practical interchange and not just exchange stated on paper,\" while adding, \"this will be a starting point for achieving good results.\"
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> Guest university professor Qian of the Yeungnam University WCU Nano Project Team, Lectures on ways for successful studies abroad [Dec 4, 2009] <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_019933318458766347 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-03-05_09-30-42_495.jpg\" target=_blank> \"You are much better and superior than I am. Be confident when studying abroad. And do not hang out too much with people from your country. Just like the old saying, \'When in Rome, do as the Romans do\', when going to another country do your best to quickly adapt to the culture and people of that nation.\" A very special lecture was held at the Songam Hall at the Mechanical Engineering Hall of Yeungnam University on the 4th at 2pm. Shizhi Qian (48), who came to the School of Mechanical Engineering in September as a guest for the WCU Nano Project Team, stood on the podium for Chinese students studying abroad. Qian graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, which is one of the most prestigious engineering schools in China and then acquired a PhD in the US. Qian is a Chinese person who became a successful university professor in the US. Qian has also showed vigorous research capacities in publishing 9 SCI theses just last year in the nano-particles, micro-fluids and sensors sectors, and is a world-renown scholar. In this day\'s special lecture titled \'Successfully Studying Abroad\', Professor Qian used examples of episodes that he had while studying abroad and settling down, and was more than willing to give his advice. Stating that he \"realized the meaning of the saying that ‘there is always someone on step ahead of you\' while living abroad\" and stated that he \"had no choice but to study hard since he came to a far away country with the goal of studying. That\'s why I spent many nights in a sleeping bag in the lab while being an international student.\" He emphasized that the first secret to success in studying abroad was \'diligence\'. The second secret to success while studying abroad was to \'admit what you don\'t know and not to be afraid of questioning and debating\'. He pointed out that \"Asian students have a cultural tendency not to ask questions even if there are problems that they don\'t know and that this wastes much time and effort.\" He stressed that \"questioning and debating will help make studying much more productive.\" In addition, he discussed his experience while publishing his SCI thesis and said, \"I was at first disappointed with my professor who made me edit my paper for over a year when I first published my thesis, but now I cannot be more thankful. Because of his strict guidance, I am now able to publish my SCI thesis without getting help from anybody else, and I can now teach my students as well.\" He added, that the third secret to success was \'not to dislike your strict guidance professor\'. Lastly, professor Qian also gave advice for successfully adapting to the local life. He stated, \"Though it may be human nature for people to depend upon and look for help from people with the same nationality when going abroad, but based on my experience, they are limited in the assistance they can provide because they are also foreigners.\" He one again emphasized \"not to forget the meaning of the proverbial saying of \'When in Rome, do as the Romans do\'.\" Meanwhile, there are 1,060 foreign students enrolled at Yeungnam University as of Dec 2009. From them 174 graduate students and 579 undergraduate students for a total of 929 students are from China.
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> Exhibited Potential of Commercializing Solar Powered Vehicles [Nov 27, 2009] Yeungnam University students win the grand prize and runner-up prize at the Solar Car Competition. <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_040063987428842334 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-03-02_09-54-55_495.jpg\" target=_blank> The winners were the \'Mercury\' team (leader Ha, Jung-Woo, School of Mechanical Engineering senior, back row far right) composed of six seniors from the School of Mechanical Engineering and School of Electronic Engineering, Communication Engineering and Computer Science and the \'Fellow\' team (leader Kim, Tae-Gon, far left) composed of five juniors in the School of Mechanical Engineering. The \'Mercury\' team, which produced a solar car as part of the creative engineering project since August of last year won the grand prize (Seoul Metropolitan City Mayor Award) and the \'Fellow\' team, which began its creative engineering project since this August won the runner-up prize (Korea Engineering Education Research Center Award). The \'Solar Car Competition\' is where university students compete in track driving and design areas for model solar energy cars that they make. With alternative energy development being an urgent task due to the high oil prices and global warming, it is very meaningful in the fact that the future of environment-friendly automobile industry could be seen. The \'Solar Car Competition\' is in its third year since being the first to be held in Korea by Yeungnam University in 2007. Being co-hosted by the Seoul Metropolitan City (mayor Oh, Se-Hoon) and the Accreditation Board for Engineering Education of Korea (director Suh, Nam-Pyo), it was held on the 14th at the outdoor exhibit of the Peace Park in Sangam World Cup Stadium. 37 teams from 16 universities throughout the nation that passed the preliminary stage competed in this event and they were evaluated for driving area and design area from 10am to 3pm. The driving section which was given 80% of weight on evaluation was determined by a speed race on a straight track that was 3 to 5 meters wide and 25 meters long. Though it is a straight track, there is an approximately 8 degree uphill and downhill at the 5-10m and 15-20m interval. Therefore, the most important part to the driving sector is how efficiently the solar energy gathered by the 400㎠ solar cell that emits 10w of sudden power is activated. In addition, the steering system that takes into account wind direction is also important. \'Mercury\' team was able to receive the grand prize for their outstanding capacities in both of these key technologies. They were the only team to mount circuits that they designed and produced theirselves in order to maximize the efficiency of power conversion. They used bluetooth in the remote steering device making it possible to steer it using much less power compared to the RF method, and therefore, relatively more solar energy was converted to the engine power. It used balsa wood for the chassis, which is usually used for planes and yachts to minimize its weight, and a triangular frame was adopted for safety. In result, it was possible to have a max speed of 4m per second. The remote steering device of Mercury team was in the spotlight for not only its performance, but also its design. An embedded steering device was developed by placing a flexible sensor sewed onto the index finger of the glove in order to adjust the acceleration by moving the index finger and gravity sensors on the wrists. In result, Mercury team received high scores in the design sector which evaluated its economic feasibility, safety, creativity and poster presentation. Ha, Jung-Woo (25, Senior in Major of Mechanical System), the leader of the Mercury team, stated \"Preparing for the Solar Car Competition was an opportunity to acquire in-depth studies on from the principles of solar cells, to its conversion to driving energy and transmission procedures.\" He added, \"Because of the growing interest of alternative energies, I hope to contribute in the commercialization of solar power cars in the future based on the experiences I gained in this competition.\"
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> 125 overseas volunteers for winter break dispatched to 14 countries around the world [Nov 25, 2009] Yeungnam University (president Lee, Hyo-Soo) begins overseas volunteer activities together with UNESCO. <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_07751201510198702 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-02-26_08-50-27_495.jpg\" target=_blank> On the 25th, the \'Cooperative Agreement for Collegiate Overseas Volunteer Activities\' was agreed upon with the Korea National Commission for UNESCO (secretary general Jeon, Taek-Soo, left) at the Yeungnam University president\'s reception hall. This is the third university in the nation following Hongik University and Kyunghee University and the first provincial university to conduct volunteer activities in cooperation with the UN. Thus, Yeungnam University will send a total of 125 volunteers together with the Korea National Commission for UNESCO and International Workcamp to 14 countries around the world for 2~3 weeks in January. They are in Europe (Turkey), Latin America (Mexico, Peru), Africa (Tanzania, Zambia, Kenya) and Asia (India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam). In addition, the two organizations promised cooperation in training and dispatching Yeungnam University student volunteers, providing data and materials for joint research, guidance on volunteer activities, exchange between workers, joint seminars for overseas university volunteer activities, sharing educational and research materials and facilities, as well as development and operation of various training programs. In particular, the Korea National Commission for UNESCO has offered to give extra points when reviewing Yeungnam University students who have participated in overseas volunteer activities sponsored by UNESCO. Moreover, the two organizations are scheduled to compose a \'workers council\' in order to maintain the mutual cooperation relations and to smooth its specific actions. <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_020748119228179107 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-02-26_08-50-49_495.jpg\" target=_blank> On this, Lee, Hyo-Soo, president of Yeungnam University, stated, \"This is the 18th group of volunteers going overseas during the winter vacation at Yeungnam University since 2001. Next year, all students are going to be required to take volunteer classes, and through this agreement, we will be able to diversify to different countries around the world in Europe, South America and Africa.\" He also added, \"Having our students experience various cultures and volunteering with local NGOs will greatly contribute in helping them to grow into \'Y-type talents\' that are armed with a cool brain and warm heart. Jeon, Taek-Soo, secretary general of the Korea National Commission for UNESCO also stated, \"In the creative times of the 21st century, individual and national competitiveness will be determined by creativity, and this depends upon an open mind and various experiences. Therefore, I hope that students at Yeungnam University will effectively utilize the overseas volunteer activities opportunities promoted by Korea National Commission for UNESCO, and become Korea\'s most creative talents.\"
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> Agreed to exchange and cooperate with Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), which is one of the top three engineering universities of the world [Nov 16, 2009] <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_07899999597330252 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-02-23_09-00-23_495.jpg\" target=_blank> Yeungnam University (president Lee, Hyo-Soo) and one of the world\'s top 3 engineering schools IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) have become cooperative partners for education and research. Currently, the only Korean universities that agreed to have exchange with IIT are Yeungnam University, KAIST and Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology. On the morning of the 16th, Yeungnam University and IIT agreed on an MOU for exchange of professors and students in the engineering field, as well as for joint researches. Thus, starting from the upcoming semester, two students in their doctorates degree program at IIT are scheduled to come to study at Yeungnam University and the two universities have agreed to focus on fostering elites in the engineering field. President Lee, Hyo-Soo stated, \"With the Korean-Indian CEPA (Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement) going into effect from January 1 of next year, exchanges in not only the economy, but also culture and people will also increase.\" He added, \"We hope that this agreement will be able to foster human resources who can act as a bridge between the two nations through expanded educational cooperation.\" IIT, which was founded in 1959, is known as the \'MIT of India\' and has spearheaded the science-technology development of India. IIT, which is where the many brilliant men are gathered, acts as a \'talents training school\' for the Indian and the global economy. Graduates from this school includes Narayana Murthy, chairman of the IT company \'Infosys\', Vhinod Khosla, founder of Sun Microsystems, Arun Sarin, CEO of Vodafone in England, and Rajat Gupta, executive director of McKinsey. In result, 15% of the founders of companies in Silicon Valley, USA are IIT alumni and the cream of the crop of the global business world is filled with people from IIT. Accordingly, the competition to get into IIT is almost like \'war\'. The competition for admission to IIT is on average 100:1 and people in India prepare 3 to 4 years to get admitted. For 10 years since its opening, it conducted the \'Kanpur Indo-American Programme\' receiving the support of 9 US universities (M.I.T., UC Berkeley, Cal Tech, Princeton, Carnegie-Mellon University, University of Michigan, Ohio State, Case Institute of Technology and Purdue). After establishing the first department of computer engineering of India in 1963, in 1995 it was ranked the third in the world by the British The Times in the \'World University Ranking of Engineering Schools\' following MIT and UC Berkeley, upgrading its position as one of the most prestigious universities. This partnership between the two universities is owed to Professor Ashutosh Sharman (left) who will be teaching students at the Yeungnam University School of Mechanical Engineering for five years from September. Despite his young age at 48, he is the only chair-professor at IIT and is a member of the Indian National Science Academy. Furthermore, in the past five years he has published over 70 theses in SCI level journals and his 10 most renown theses have been cited over 1,000 times, thus proving his global research capacities. In particular, his paper published in \'Science\' 2007 contributed greatly in the development of micro and nano technologies, and he is the world\'s top 5 nano-patterning scholar in the Scholar Subject Search of Google. Accordingly, Yeungnam University expects to be able to lead fusion researches for diverse fields such as mechanics, electronics, physics, chemistry, bio-engineering and bio-chemicals at the cutting-edge NT sectors, and in particular the nano-patterning field through its partnership with IIT. Through this, it is expected that it will have considerable ripple effects for academic research and for the industry.
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> Professor Seok, Ho-Tae, Professor Hyung, Won-Gil [Nov 6, 2009] Professor Seok, Ho-Tae (44, top) and Professor Hyung, Won-Gil (38, bottom) of the School of Architecture were listed for the second consecutive in the Marquis Who\'s Who. The two professors were Registered in the Marquis Who\'s Who in the World in 2009, and were again Registered in the 2010 volume. Professor Seok was recognized for his research related to energy conservation technologies of buildings, and his continued efforts to practice global environment protection and commercialization of environment-friendly buildings. Professor Seok has been actively conducting research activities in publishing over 160 theses in foreign and domestic academic journals. Professor Hyung is conducting development of new materials for construction through fusion research applying polymers as architectural materials. In particular, he is concentrating on developing low-carbon concrete that does not contain cement, and environment-friendly concrete development by recycling construction wastes and industrial by-products.
<BODY style=\"FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 5px; FONT-FAMILY: gulim; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff\"> Minister for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs Chun, Jae-Hee, Minister for Special Affairs Ju, Ho-Young and Minister of Knowledge Economy Choi, Kyung-Hwan The Yeungnam University facing ‘The 2nd Age of Prosperity’, reaffirms underlying strength of alumni [2009-11-5] <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_09773739614010813 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-02-02_13-03-17_495.jpg\" target=_blank> The 3 alumni ministers are taking memorial pictures at the inauguration banquet of 3 alumni ministers. (From left, minister Ju, Ho-Young, minister Chun, Jae-Hee, president of general alumni association Kim, Kwan-Yong, president Lee, Hyo-Soo, minister Choi, Kyung-Hwan) “I am really proud of this opportunity to reaffirm the underlying strength of Yeungnam University leading the Republic of Korea as a member of alumni before being a president.” Yeungnam University (president Lee, Hyo-Soo) has prepared \'inauguration banquet of 3 Yeungnam University alumni ministers\' at Seoul Hyatt Hotel in the evening of 4th. The face of president Lee, Hyo-Soo who made an introductory speech was filled with joy and pride. The main characters for this day\'s banquet were 3 incumbent ministers including Minister for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs Chun, Jae-Hee, Minister for Special Affairs Ju, Ho-Young and Minister of Knowledge Economy Choi, Kyung-Hwan. They said \"As I feel pride from the fact that I am a graduate of Yeungnam University, I\'ll always be cheering from any time and place that Yeungnam University would leap as a local nucleus university of global standard with \'YU Glocal Initiative\' as a new vision” by saying that \"we\'d like to thank our university for extending the courtesy of preparing the banquet.\" <A class=imageUtil id=thumb_02760500897730097 onclick=\"return hs.run(this)\" href=\"http://www.yu.ac.kr/_yboard/cheditor/show_image.php?im=2010-02-02_13-03-34_495.jpg\" target=_blank> Minister Chun, Jae-Hee(60) is famous for carrying a qualifier called \"first\" as a student of Yeungnam University\'s Public Administration department who entered the university in 1968. She is the \'first new student\' of Yeungnam University that had been launched (1967) by combining Daegu University and Chunggu University while getting the title of \'the first woman to pass the Senior Civil Service Examination\' in 1973. Followed by becoming \'the first woman to become a government appointed mayor\' in 1994, she broke all sorts of records related to women such as becoming \'the first woman to become a mayor elected by the people\' in 1995. Although she had entered the political circles by proportional representation at the time of 16th National Assembly, she also had set a \'new record\' of being elected as a member of National Assembly in a local constituency where she had served as a mayor by going through a special election after resigning the proportional representation through her tenure. Afterwards, as she became successful in 3 elections in a same constituency, she became in charge of important missions within the party such as the chairwoman of 3rd Policy Coordinate Committee, chairwoman of the Policy Committee and a member of the supreme council in the Grand National Party while leading the Ministry for Health Welfare and Family Affairs since August of last year. Minister Ju, Ho-Young(49) is the first person to become a minister of Lee, Myung-Bak administration as someone in his forties and had entered Law department of Yeungnam University in 1978. After passing the 24th bar exam in 1982, he had served as a judge for about 20 years until retiring as a chief judge of Daegu District Court and by spreading a remarkable assembly activities such as serving as an representative of floor public information section and a vice floor leader of the Grand National Party after entering the political circles through the 17th general election in 2004, he was reelected to in the 18th National Assembly. He was appointed as chief secretary of president Lee, Myung-Bak at the time of nomination race for Grand National Party\'s presidential election candidate in 2007 and served as assistant chief secretary of presidential election candidate\'s secretariat and spokesman of elected candidate. Minister Choi, Kyung-Hwan(54)\'s hometown is Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk Province and although he graduated from Yonsei University as an undergraduate, he became an alumnus of Yeungnam University by completing the AMP course at the graduate school of business administration, Yeungnam University by entering the school in 2006. He is a reelected assemblyman (17th and 18th) who is former economic bureaucrat going through the Economic Planning Board and chief economic bureau of the Blue House as he served in government office for 20 years after entering the government office by passing the Senior Civil Service Exam (22nd). Even in the presidential post undertaking committee, he had assisted in preparing main economic policies of the new government as he became in charge of governor at the 2nd economic subcommittee. On this day\'s banquet, president Lee and Kim had handed out the memorial medals and souvenirs to 3 alumni ministers while the assemblymen who are graduates of Yeungnam University such as Lee, In-Ki, Kim, Tae-Hwan, Ju, Sung-Young, Seo, Gap-Won, Song, Young-Seon, Kim, Kwang-Lim and Cho, Won-Jin as well as the alumni including former assembly speaker Kim, Su-Han, former Minister of Environment Kwak, Kyul-Ho and former justice of supreme court Bae, Ki-Won, etc have participated in large numbers to congratulate the inauguration of these ministers. Meanwhile, Yeungnam University is recently encountering \'the 2nd age of prosperity\' such as discharging 3 incumbent ministers - no. 3 in the country, discharging 18 assemblymen in the 18th National Assembly - no. 3 in the country, discharging executives of top 30 companies - no. 9 in the country and no. 1 in provincial private university, and discharging high officials above class 1 - no. 7 in the country, etc.