An excellent-research-professor respecting program <YU’RE Honors>, Awarded “Excellent Research Teacher of the Year” Professors YOON Jeong-hyeon (Business Administration), KIM Il-guk (Plastic Surgery, College of Medicine), PARK Han-woo (Media Information), and PARK Joo-hyeon (Electrical Engineering) Research costs and administrative support to each two new and mid-level researches every year [September 22, 2022] <Professors selected as excellent research faculty of 2022 in YU’s “YU’RE Honors”> (From the second in the left, President CHOI Oe-chool and professors PARK Joo-hyeon, PARK Han-woo, and YOON Jeong-hyeon) Professors of YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) who made excellent research performances receive unprecedented support from universities. YU started to significantly expand support of excellent-research professors and to strengthen colleges’ research power through <YU’RE Honors> program. <YU’RE Honors> was adopted in 2021 to seek for professors who made excellent research performances and inform their performances to the outside and to maximize professors’ research potential with equipment of systematic administrative & financial support system for dedication to researches. Four professors consisting of each two professors in new and middle-level researchers are selected. Following last year, “Excellent research faculty of 2022” were selected and, on the 22nd, the awards ceremony was held and plaques and prizes were awarded.In new researcher part, Professor YOON Jeong-hyeon (Department of Business Administration) and Professor KIM Il-guk (Department of Plastic Surgery, College of Medicine) were selected and, in middle-level researcher part, Professor PARK Han-woo (Department of Media Information) and Professor PARK Joo-hyeon (Department of Electrical Engineering) were selected. Especially, Professor PARK Han-woo and Professor PARK Joo-hyeon got the honor of awards for consecutive two years following last year. Professors selected as “excellent research faculty” are first supported with research costs and are supplied with administrative support service with arrangement of exclusive staff. Also, if a professor is selected as “an excellent research faculty” three times, he/she will be permanently displayed in “Industry-Academy Cooperation Foundation Hall of Fame.” President CHOI Oe-chool of YU said, “YU surprised the academic society by ranking 6th in domestic overall ranking in Leiden Ranking 2022 to evaluate universities of the world based on research power. World-level research power of YU was accepted by ranking 55th in world ranking as well as ranking 1st in mathematics and computer area for 8 consecutive years in domestic ranking. Endeavors of professors who have devoted to researches made fruits and accepted by international societies. YU will make active support by constructing educational and research infrastructure and improving systems continuously so that sweats of professors may illuminate.” Professor YOON Jeong-hyeon, who was selected in new researcher part, obtained doctorate degree of business administration (organizational behavior) in University of Newcastle Upon Tyne under Russell Group of GB and was appointed as a professor by YU in September 2018. Professor YOON was qualified as an Entrepreneurship Education Facilitator by Kauffman Foundation of the USA when he was working as a professor of POSTECH before being appointed by YU. Such qualification means that he may issue certificates of completion in the name of the Kaufman Foundation to students. Now, he serves as an operation member of Daegu Economic Council, operation member of Disaster Fund Management Committee, consulting member of Job Project of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, representative consultant of Gyeongsangbuk-do Job Target Disclosure System, and chairman of Customer Rights Committee of Daegu/Gyeongbuk HQ of Korea Federation of SMEs, etc. He contributes in transfer of excellent technology to enterprises and commercialization of it which is possessed by the university by serving as the chairman of Technology Transfer and Commercialization Center and as the Executive Director of Technology Holding Company. He inserted more than 40 theses and research reports in domestic/foreign main academic journals in the areas of entrepreneurship, technology management, innovation, network, and conflict management, etc. and published such books as Management Organization Theory, ‘Entrepreneurship at a Glance, and Labor-Management Relations Theory, etc. Recently, he received Best Paper Award in SOItmC (Society of Open Innovation, Technology, Market & Complexity), an international academic conference related with technology management & open innovation. Professor KIM Il-guk obtained doctorate degree in YU and plastic surgeon in YU Medical Center, obtained doctorate degree in KAIST Graduate School of Medical Sciences, and was appointed as a professor of YU in September, 2018. He obtained doctorate degree in KAIST Graduate School of Medical Sciences for the second time in domestic plastic surgeons and served as a clinical lecturer in Seoul National University Hospital. His research power is accepted through many theses inserted in international academic journals such as Cancer Cell which is a worldwide famous cancer journal, JEM (Journal of Experimental Medicine), and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery which is an OS sciences journal of the USA. In 2019, he reported successful treatment result of an anaplastic large cell lymphoma patient related with breast implant which occurred for the first time in Korea. He had served as the Manager of New Medical Scientists Part of Innovative Physician Scientist Cultivation Project Team and is working as a core researcher of Leading Research Center Support Project as the Principal Investigator of middle-level linkage follow-up research. Professor PARK Han-woo, who was selected in middle-level researchers, obtained doctorate degree in State University of New York (Buffalo) and, after Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW), was appointed as a professor of YU in March 2003. He had served as a Visiting Scholar of Oxford Internet Institute (OII) and Chairman of YU WCU Webbometrics Project Team. He is recognized as a world authority who seeks for political, election, cultural, scientific, technological, and environmental issues hidden in big data by the method of social meaning linkage network. He serves as a consultant and editing member of TFSC (Technological Forecasting & Social Change) and BDS (Big Data & Society). Professor PARK is participating in “YU BK21 + Glocal East Asia Cultural Contents Project Group” and is highly interested in cultivation of next generation of academics and globalization of East Asia. Professor PARK Joo-hyeon obtained doctorate degree of engineering in Pohang University of Science and Technology was appointed as a professor of YU in March 2000. Professor PARK has been making active research activities including insertion of more than 150 theses in international academic journals for recent three years. Especially, his research performances were recognized by the world as citation count of such theses exceeds 36,700 and more than 93 theses were cited more than 100 times. He was continuously selected for consecutive 7 years since 2015 until last year as “the most influential researchers of the world” selected by Clarivate Analytics, i.e. the researcher who Hs theses being cited at higher 1% level (in terms of number of researchers, Highly Cited Researchers (HCR) who belong to 0.1%). Especially, he was selected as HCR in the most areas (engineering, computer science, and mathematics) for consecutive 3 years from 2019 to 2021 and researchers who were overlapped in 3 areas were 11 persons in 2019, 9 persons in 2020, and 23 persons in 2021; Professor PARK is the only Korean researcher who was selected so. Professor PARK was selected as a regular member of Korea Academy of Science and Technology in 2017 and is working as an editing member in many international academic journals including IEEE (Transactions on Cybernetics).
- PR team
- 2022. 09. 29
- 2022. 09. 22
- 14281
University Headquarter and Student Council started collection of money for “With YU students’ social contribution fund.” Experiencing value of “social contribution” with direct participation in small-amount donation … “Making social contribution activities a daily life” Participation of university members to achieve the vision of “A creative and innovative university to contribute in prosperity of human society” [September 16, 2022] Students of YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) started social contribution activities by gathering pocket money. YU started raising “With YU students’ social contribution fund” from second semester in 2022. The purse is to let students enhance the sense of belonging and school spirit and feel the importance and value of social contribution by participating in fund raising for social contribution through donation of small amount of money. Especially, “With YU students’ social contribution fund” was made by University Headquarter and Student Council (Chairman, KANG Tae-wook). The purpose is active participation of university members to achieve the vision of “A creative and innovative university to contribute in prosperity of human society” put by YU this year. Chairman KANG Tae-wook of YU Student Council said, “The value of sharing will be expanded in the campus by the method that students participate social contribution activities with donation of small amount of money as little as a cup of coffee. I hope many students participate and the good influence started in the university campus is expanded to every place of the society.” Any YU students may participate in “With YU students’ social contribution fund.” Participation is possible with regular donation or one-time donation after online agreement in the website of YU Development Fund (loveyu.yu.ac.kr). “With YU students’ social contribution fund” will be used by YU Social Contribution Team organized this year. It will be used for global service activities as well as domestic social contribution activities including material purchase and donation, etc. for service activities linked with local voluntary service centers, etc. Also, various social contribution programs for support of education and lectures to expand social contribution in the university and for industry-academy contribution activities, etc. will be made. President CHOI Oe-chool of YU said his expectation, “I think that, if all members agree in the vision of the university and try together, the vision will be achieved. In this respect, the activities for “With YU students’ social contribution fund” are highly meaningful. A small sharing activity started in the campus will become a springboard for social contribution activities to contribute in development and win-win of local societies over the campus.”
- PR team
- 2022. 09. 29
- 2022. 09. 16
- 14231
Former and current professors of Preventive Medicine Department of YU College of Medicine established “Wolcheon Scholarship.” Kind disciple love by Honorary Professors JEONG Jong-hak and KIM Chang-yoon, etc. after their retirement [September 14, 2022] Former and current professors of YU College of Medicine donated KRW 100 million of university development fund. Wolcheon Scholarship was established by honorary and current professors of Preventive Medicine Department of YU College of Medicine donated KRW 100 million of development fund to YU on the 14th. The purpose is to support education and research activities of disciples. Wolcheon Scholarship was established in 2012 with the nom de plume of Professor JEONG Jong-hak, who had led development from the time to open Preventive Medicine Department of YU College of Medicine, to praise education spirit of Honorary Professor JEONG Jong-hak and to cultivate younger students. The development fund of Wolcheon Scholarship was raised with KRW 50 million of Honorary Professor JEONG Jong-hak, KRW 30 million of Honorary Professor KIM Chang-yoon, and donations by current professors SA Gong-jun, LEE Kyeong-su, HWANG Tae-yoon, and PARK Cheol-yong, etc. The development fund will be used to support education and research activities of the students of Preventive Medicine Department of YU College of Medicine. Honorary Professor JEONG Jong-hak was appointed as a professor of Preventive Medicine Department of YU College of Medicine in July, 1981 and had tried to cultivate younger students until his retirement in 2006. He served as main positions of College of Medicine and Medical Center including Dean of YU College of Medicine, Director of Planning and Management of Medical Center, and Director of Medical Library, etc. Honorary Professor KIM Chang-yoon was appointed as a professor of YU College of Medicine in March, 1989, retired in 2020, and contributed in development of the university by serving as such positions as Director of Medical Library of Medical Center and Dean of Graduate School of Environment and Health, etc. Honorary Professor JEONG Jong-hak participated in development fund donation ceremony held on the 14th and said, “When looking at my past 40 years since being appointed as a professor of YU College of Medicine in 1981, College of Medicine and Medical Center of YU showed brilliant development. It was possible because of existence of professors who were dedicated to education and researches and students who tried for study and medical skills. I hope Wolcheon Scholarship will help growth of disciples.” Honorary Professor KIM Chang-yoon said, “I received many things from the college during my service as a professor for more than 30 years. I donated a development fund to repay such benefits. I will make Wolchon Scholarship Society that provides generous support to the disciples so that they can grow into excellent medical personnels.” President CHOI Oe-chool of YU said, “Domestic highest level of education and research capability of YU College of Medicine could be recognized and YU Medical Center could be developed to the best local college hospital based on the endeavors of professors participating in this place today. Brighter future of YU College of Medicine is expected due to existence of Wolchon Scholarship Society raised by former and current professors for next generations. I will do my best to cultivate medical personnel to lead medical society of Korea to meet the valuable will of professors. I hope you to lead international exchange starting with recent support of local social development of and installation of Department of Health in St. Augustine University of Tanzania by Preventive Medicine Department.”
- PR team
- 2022. 09. 29
- 2022. 09. 14
- 13802
Selected as an excellent vocational training case and jumped into “a local base incumbent training center” [September 23, 2022] YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) received Excellence Award in “13th Contest for presentation of excellent cases of Best of CHAMP Day” managed by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and Human Resources Development Service of Korea. In the award ceremony held in Gyeongnam SONO CALM GEOJE on the 20th, YU was selected as an excellent case and received plaque and award in project operation area among more than 200 joint training centers of National Human Resources Development Consortium. National Human Resources Development Consortium is a national manpower cultivation project that was implemented by the Ministry of Employment and Labor, etc. since 2001 to help laborers of small-and-medium enterprises suffering from difficulty in development of job capabilities compared with large enterprises. YU SME HRD Team provided education to strengthen capabilities of core industrial personnel in Southeast Territory in the areas of △ Automobile components, △ Logistics, △ Foreign trade, and △ Smart manufacture last year. More than 2,700 employees completed the training for recent two years and the university’s social contribution activities were externally recognized through local enterprises’ talent cultivation. Manager LEE Gyeong-soo of YU Industry-Academy Cooperation Team said, “YU has been leading win-win cooperation by opening excellent education curriculum and infrastructure of the university to local small-and-medium enterprises for 15 years with participation in National Human Resources Development Consortium. We will try to make a regional base-type future industry training center focused in YU SME HRD Team to meet local industries’ requirement for cultivation of future car, semiconductor, and DX manpower.” Meanwhile, “Best of CHAMP Day” held by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and managed by Human Resources Development Service of Korea has been held every year since 2010 to seek for and expand excellent cases of tailored manpower cultivation projects to meet National Human Resources Development Consortium and local industries.
- PR team
- 2022. 09. 29
- 2022. 09. 23
- 13397
Gathering alumni’s minds at 70th Anniversary of Faculty of Architecture Sharing experiences and communication through special lectures by seniors for juniors Encouragement of juniors in their graduation exhibition [September 05, 2022] <Alumni of Faculty of Architecture donated KRW 100 million of development fund.> Alumni of YU Faculty of Architecture donated KRW 100 million of scholarship to their alma master for their juniors. Alumni gathered their minds at 70th Anniversary of YU Faculty of Architecture. On the 5th, YU Faculty of Architecture held 70th Anniversary of establishment. YU Faculty of Architecture was established in 1952, for the third time in the country. In the anniversary ceremony held at 3:00 pm on the 5th in YU Cheonma Art Center Chamber Hall, alumni, professors, and students including YOON Jong-sik, Chairman of Alumni Association of YU Faculty of Architecture (CEO of DOSI 21 Design Group) participated. President CHOI Oe-chool of YU and BYEON Chang-hun (Chairman of YU Alumni Association of Faculty of Architecture and President of Daegu Hanny University) participated in the ceremony and congratulated the anniversary. In the ceremony, YOON Jong-sik, Chairman of Alumni Association of YU Faculty of Architecture transferred KRW 100 million of scholarship to President CHOI Oe-chool of YU for juniors. Chairman YOON Jong-sik of YU Alumni Association of Faculty of Architecture said, “Alumni gathered their minds to promote development of alma master and to cheer juniors at the 70th anniversary of establishment of the department. I hope that today’s ceremony will be a motive for alumni and all constituents including professors and students to strengthen their determination towards 100th anniversary. We will make every support for development of alma master and juniors in every possible opportunity.” <Transfer of contribution plaque in the 70th Anniversary Ceremony of Faculty of Architecture> Dean KANG Ju-won of YU Faculty of Architecture commented, “The 70 years for YU Faculty of Architecture were the 70 years for development of Korea. More than 6,500 alumni of YU Faculty of Architecture are working in the world over Korea. I feel the proud of the dean of the faculty because here are the alumni to participate in and congratulate the 70th-anniversary ceremony. We will continue innovations and challenges to make the best faculty of architecture in Korea over the performances for the past 70 years.” President CHOI Oe-chool of YU commented through his congratulatory message, “Endeavors until yesterday have determined today’s prestige and endeavors since today will determine tomorrow’s new prestige. I think that endeavors made by the alumni of YU Faculty of Architecture over the past 70 years contributed to putting Korea at the level of advanced countries. It is the time for YU, which has led cultivation of Korean talents with the founding spirit for cultivation of the pillars for national restoration, to play the role to meet the prestige of an advanced country. We will share Korea’s experiences in development with the world and will do our best for cultivation of talents to contribute to human society. We hope more cheer and interest in future, too.” In the ceremony, alumnus seniors including KIM Mu-kwon (CEO of Modern Architecture Architects & Engineers) and YOO Kun-ha (Chairman of Kunwon Engineering) who are working as architects had special lectures for juniors and communicated with them. Meanwhile, alumni visited alma master for the 70th anniversary ceremony held in the underground gallery of YU Cheonma Art Center and appreciated juniors graduation works and encouraged the juniors in the Graduation Exhibition of Faculty of Architecture. The 69th Graduation Exhibition of YU Faculty of Architecture was held until September 7 (Wednesday).
- PR team
- 2022. 09. 15
- 2022. 09. 05
- 14562
General management of Future Car Conversion Component Project for Regional Innovation System of Daegu-Gyeongbuk Cultivation of talents to meet future car conversion and operation of shared campus for Daegu-Gyeongbuk’s innovative colleges Cluster of “future car conversion component” area of core driving industry for the 4th industrial revolution focused in YU [September 06, 2022] YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) started the project for “Regional innovation based on cooperation between local governments and colleges (Regional Innovation System, hereinafter RIS).” YU held “Conference of participants of future car conversion component project for Daegu-Gyeongbuk RIS” in Hotel Interbulgo on the 6th. YU leads the project as the central university of RIS project being implemented by “Daegu-Gyeongbuk RIS”. College and agency personnel of future car conversion component project for Daegu-Gyeongbuk RIS participated in the conference to share general direction of operation of the project and project budget payment standard and to construct a cooperation system for participants of future car conversion component project. RIS project is implemented to establish a mid-to-long-term development plan to meet industrial demands with construction of RIS by local governments, colleges, and regional innovation agencies, to select core areas for the goal of development, and to support innovation of colleges and regional industries concerned. Including Daegu-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Kyungpook National University, and YU, 23 colleges/universities, 14 regional innovation agencies and institutes, and more than 200 local enterprises participate in the project. KRW 331.6 billion will be invested for five years in maximum and the project will be implemented for reorganization of educational system and collaboration with regional innovation agencies. In this project, YU will manage the Future Car Conversion Component Project Team to implement the project for cultivation of talents and enterprise collaboration bubs by ▲ supporting cultivation of talents and local settlement to meet future car conversion and ▲ operating share campus of Daegu-Gyeongbuk Multiversity (DGM) for future car conversion and installing the major in future car integration. Gyeongsangbuk-do and regional colleges/universities, local innovation agencies and institutes, and local mid-sized automobile component companies will form a government-academy-industry-institute cluster and implement the project focused in YU.
- PR team
- 2022. 09. 15
- 2022. 09. 06
- 14528
Introduction of <Global Korea> based on the idea obtained in the major class of Department of Visual Design Design of posters using cultural heritages and national symbols such as Sungnyemun Gate, Gyeongbokgung Palace, and Cheomseongdae [September 08, 2022] KEUM JI-won, 2nd Grade of YU Department of Visual Design (20, above photo), won Prime Minister’s Prize in the 8th Korean National Symbol Design Contest. “Korean National Symbol Design Contest” is a design contest to improve national image with use of national symbols such as Taegeukgi, Mugunghwa, national anthem, and national seal and with use of Hangeul and cultural heritages, etc. and was held for graphic design, product design, and video design parts. The contest was held being divided into general part, college (graduate school) part, and high school part and entries were filed from June 3rd to 30th. 1,849 works were filed and 40 works were finally selected in August through 1st and 2nd professional reviews. Ms Keum won Prime Minister’s Prize in graphic design area. The work of Ms Keum is “Global Korea”. The work is a poster design based on Sungnyemun Gate (National Treasure No.1), Gyeongbokgung Palace (the representative palace of Joseon Dynasty), Cheomseongdae in Gyeongju, Dabotap Pagoda, Seokgatap Pagoda, and Tomb of King Muryeong, etc. She added symbolic meanings with use of beautiful traditional patterns of Korea, Mugunghwa (national flower), Taegeukgi, and Gun-Gon-Gam-Ri. <Global Korea> (KEUM Ji-won from YU Department of Visual Design) Her work was completed based on the idea obtained in her major class in the Department of Visual Design. She designed Korean history textbook based on the class of creative illustration provided last year and completed <Global Korea> through design supplementation. The work may be used as various applications including stickers. <Refer to below-shown work> Ms Keum said, “I paid more attention because it is a design contest for participation with use of the elements of national symbols. Ms Keum said, “I paid more attention because it is a design contest for participation with use of the elements of national symbols. I made more endeavors to harmonization of Korean cultural heritages and national symbolic elements such as Taegeukgi and Mugunghwa. Participation in the contest and the winning seems to be a motive for me to be focused in design work as well as major study. I will develop my dream of a graphic designer.” Meanwhile, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security managed and held the contest on 1F of Blue House Guesthouse in August to encourage people’s interest.
- PR team
- 2022. 09. 15
- 2022. 09. 08
- 14008
Enhancement of academic exchange between both universities through joint researches and academic conferences Regional innovation and development led by regional representatives, national universities, and private universities [September 07, 2022] YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) and Kyungpook National University (President HONG Won-hwa) concluded an academic exchange agreement in Conference Room 1 of Main Building of Kyungpook National University on the 7th. Main contents of the agreement consist of ▷Academic exchange including joint researches and academic conferences, ▷ Exchange of academic data, publications, and information, ▷ Cooperation in education for students (including graduate school students) through operation of joint education courses and common use of and support for laboratory equipment, ▷ Joint excavation and implementation of industry-academy-government-institute collaboration projects, and ▷Enhanced exchange and cooperation among foreign students, etc. There is a comment that the bridge for cultivation of talents and local innovation and development is provided by a national university and private university representing the region. The agreement was concluded as President HONG Won-hwa of Kyungpook National University accepted the suggestion of President CHOI Oe-chool of YU to gather the capabilities of both universities for local development. President CHOI Oe-chool of YU said, “Until now, Kyungpook National University has been playing a large role for local development for cultivation of local talents as a base national university. Especially, I suggested the agreement to President HONG Won-hwa who has been playing a role for development of Korean higher education as the Chairman of Korean University Education Council. I hope this agreement will be a motive to overcome regional crisis and for regional innovation and development over the exchange between both universities.”
- PR team
- 2022. 09. 15
- 2022. 09. 07
- 13894
KIM Dong-yeong and CHOI Yeong-heon Team, top prize in a world architectural competition with “CITY 2040” project Potential local landmark design...containing Daegu Law Town Historic Site Development Plan Top in KEPCO’s Daegu HQ Building Design Competition, too...Domestic and foreign acceptance of major practical capability [August 18, 2022] <Students of Faculty of Architecture got the grand prize in “SKYHIVE skyscraper challenge” (From the left, CHOI Yeong-heon and KIM Dong-yeong)> Students of YU’s Faculty of Architecture got the grand prize in “SKYHIVE skyscraper challenge,” an international architectural competition. The heroes are KIM Dong-yeong (4th Grade) and CHOI Yeong-heon (5th Grade) of Yu’s Faculty of Architecture. The second winner next to YU was found to be a graduate from Department of Architecture of Graduate School of Harvard University. “SKYHIVE skyscraper challenge” is being held by Buildner, which holds international architectural competition, for consecutive five years and is a yearly international architectural competition for the newest and best design of symbolic skyscraper. Not only students majoring architecture but also practical professionals of the world participate in the competition and the levels of submitted works are quite high. The competition participants should make the concepts of the most advanced towers over the standard. The participants should plan works with integration of not only spaces but also aesthetics, designs, and new technologies and materials. Especially, they should complete works in consideration of economic, social, and cultural elements with establishment of designs and new architectural methods to make innovation of sustainable systems. The work of Yu’s Faculty of Architecture which got the grand prize is “CITY 2040 : MICRO CLIMATE CONTROL CENTER.” <Below photo> Their work contains Law Town Historic Site Development Plan for Suseong-gu, Daegu. Current Daegu Law Town is to be moved in 2020’s due to aging and they suggested a method of future use and a development plan to cover the functional loss of an existing downtown. KIM Dong-yeong explained their work saying, “CITY 2040 is a spatial project to contain the diversity and flexibility of future cities escaping from current inflexible urban plans. The new skyscraper was constructed by environment-friendly method with minimum development concept and suggested spatial potential to invite new industries to restore contracted industrial foundation. We designed it to be positioned as a local landmark having development potential.” CHOI Yeong-hyeon commented, “We intended to suggest a development direction of a central commercial area in addition to preservation of current buildings. We put a flexibly changeable modular integrated culture center in the development plan to preserve current complexes as natural spaces to be freely used by urban citizens and to respond actively to future industries. We intended to make urban ecological work facilities to be used by citizens in two standpoints of natural preservation and urban development focused on sustainable concept and green tech.” Meanwhile, the two winners of grand prize had gotten grand prize in KEPCO’s Daegu HQ Building Design Competition for college students, too, which was held last year. At that time, they submitted “Open Frame Office” focused on establishment of relationship with a city by containing functional aspect of office spaces and public spaces and got good assessment.
- PR team
- 2022. 08. 30
- 2022. 08. 18
- 14194
Degree conferment to representative, etc. of graduates of the general graduate school in Cheonma Art Center Chamber Hall on the 22nd Colleges and graduate school produced 89 doctoral students, 320 master’s students, and 916 bachelor’s students. [August 22, 2022] YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) held “2021 Second-Semester Degree Conferment Ceremony” in the morning on the 22nd. President CHOI Oe-chool of YU and President PARK Seung-woo of Graduate School conferred degrees to and congratulated the representative of master’s students and all doctoral students of the general graduate school in YU Cheonma Art Center Chamber Hall. On that day, 916 bachelors, 320 masters, and 89 doctors were produced by YU. Degree pendants and diplomas were conferred for colleges and seven special graduate schools such as Graduate School of Environmental Health, Graduate School of Sports Science, Graduate School of Education, Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Culture and Art Design, and Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul. <President CHOI Oe-chool confers degrees> President CHOI Oe-chool made a congratulatory message in the graduation ceremony, “The knowledge and capability accumulated for several years in YU will become motive power to lead innovation of our society and contribute in human society. Today’s graduation ceremony may be a new starting point towards future world. Current society asks vital knowledge seeking for continuous innovation. I hope you to have the courage and wisdom to challenge the search for vital knowledge on strange roads. I hope you to be proud Cheonma People to lead prosperity of global community.” In the degree conferment ceremony, 137 foreign students (65 bachelors, 42 masters, and 31 doctors) received degrees and 128 faculty graduates received double degree with double majors.
- PR team
- 2022. 08. 30
- 2022. 08. 22
- 14059