
College of Engineering


The Department of Urban Planning and Engineering fosters experts with the knowledge and capability to plan, design, develop and administer urban areas in order to enhance the quality of life for the current and future generations through sustainable development.

Sustainable development can be attained through economical and social development of cities and by creating environment-friendly and pleasant urban spaces. Cities, which are in the midst of social, economical and environmental changes such as globalization, informationization, democratization, decentralization and global-warming, require highly qualified human resources with expertise on cities to attain sustainable development.

In response to the social demands for professional manpower in these changes, the department was established in 1980 and conducts small-class education that embodies both theoretical education and practical exercises in various fields such as urban planning and design, transportation planning and engineering, urban environment planning, etc. Students can apply to the Department of Urban Planning and Engineering regardless of whether they have studied in natural sciences, social sciences or liberal arts. This is because urban planning and engineering is a comprehensive science and art that applies the knowledge and techniques of social sciences, engineering and art.

Job Fields

Students who graduate from the Department of Urban Planning and Engineering can go on to find employment in various fields such as public corporations at national and provincial levels, central government or local authorities, engineering companies, construction companies, financial institutes, public policy research institutes at national and local levels, etc.

First of all, public corporations at national level include the Land and Housing Corporation, Water Resources Corporation, Rural Community and Agricultural Corporation, while public corporations at local level include the Daegu Urban Development Corporation, Kyeongbuk Development Corporation, SH Corporation, Incheon Urban Development Corporation, etc.

In the central government and local authorities, jobs are available through open employment opportunities in urban planning, transportation and environment affairs divisions.

Engineering companies related to urban planning and design, transportation and environment are saturated throughout the nation and students can find employment in development departments for construction companies in housing, remodeling, industrial complexes and resort attractions, as well as in planning sections such as traffic and environmental analysis. With the recent development of financing techniques for real estate development, there has been increasing employment opportunities in real-estate assesment fields for financial institutes and insurance companies.

National policy and local research institutes are generally open for the graduates who have acquired their masters degree. National policy research institutes include the Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements, Korea Transport Institute, National Institute of Environmental Research and the Architectural Urban Research Center; while local research institutes include the Daegu Gyeongbuk Development Research Institute, Seoul Development Research Institute, Gyeonggi Research Institute, Incheon Research Institute and the Busan Development Research Institute. Furthermore, national corporations such as the Land and Housing Corporation also have their own research institutes, where there are more employment opportunities.

Students can also acquire national technique certifications such as urban planning technician, transportation technician and environment technician. After acquiring these certifications and having a certain amount of actual experience, they can also acquire advanced engineering certificates in urban planning and transportation. Through this, the graduates can not only manage their own engineering company, but they will also have much more opportunities for employment as well.


  • KIM CHULYOUNG,Professor

    • The University of Tokyo Urban Planning and Design
  • Suh, Jung In,Professor

    • Tottori Univ. Environmental Engineering and Planning
  • CHUNG, YOUNSHIK,Professor

    • Univ. of California at Irvine Transportation Engineering
  • Sungjin Choi,Associate Professor

    • Urban Planning

sorted by the position and Korean name


Department Of Urban Planning And Engineering
  • 1-1,2
    CurriculumThis table demonstrates the curriculum accroding to academic year.
    1- 1
    The ability of analyzing and solving problems is emphasized as one of the conditions for survival in the 21st century and one of the core elements of creative capabilities. This course was designed to cultivate convergence- and integration-based creative capabilities, which are integrated problem-solving capabilities to collect, analyze and process knowledge and information by reinforcing the ability of analyzing and solving problems, recreate it in a synthetic fashion, and express it effectively through speech and writing. The course will help the students cultivate their synesthesia thinking and communication skills based on sympathy with other human beings, understanding of the community, and positivity or Gongseong that is sought after by Yeungnam University. Its ultimate goals are to promote the students' creative knowledge development and reinforce their writing capabilities consistently through "convergence- and integration-based thinking and writing as a problem-solving approach."
    1- 1
    Urban is a complex social system as a set of fields of social, economic, and political activities. This course is to study components and mechanism of urban systems and is composed of the relation of urban and region, components of urban, location of functional areas and facilities, and objectives and methods of urban management. The role of this is to improve comprehensiveness of urban for modern life and a guide to special courses for lots of fields interested in urban problems and urban planning.
    1- 1
    The aim of the course is to help students develop basic English verbal skills in real life situations. The course will be co-taught by Korean and Native English instructors. Korean instructors will provide students with basic English structure, vocabulary, and expressions, and students will be encouraged to practice speaking English utilizing basic English structures. Students will further practice expressing themselves in English with native English instructors.
    1- 1
    1. Summary of the course This course is to assist university freshmen in CRM designing to adapt university life well through the instruction and counselling of supervising professor. (This course is composed of self analysis, personality type test, career research, instruction for the success of university life, career plan and direction setting, CRM designing method and CRM designing. The course should be teaching in classes of the students by supervising professor.) 2. Course objectives This course is to motivate the students before the mid term exam and provide students with self analysis, personality type test (MBTI or TCI) and career research (YAT test). Also, this course shall has a plan to instruct the students to enhance the efficiency of university life through career and time management. In addition, this course is to make a chance for the students to have practical assistance to university life by providing study method, report designing strategy and the information on academic system and various kinds of internal programs of the university. After the mid term exam, the students will be instructed to set the direction of career designing through continuous counselling of supervising professor and the students will be able to establish CRM designing and execution plan.
    1- 1
    This course is to cultivate community sense as members of society and the global village for students in order to develop the basic knowledge required as global citizens. Especially, this course is to foster the spirit of cooperation, sharing, service, and creativity and study the social contribution and leadership to solving the challenges the global community faces. As a liberal arts course, it is centered to nurture a leader having the global capability to contribute to community development through learning the knowledge and the case on the value & logic of social responsibility focused on environmental preservation, social contribution, and good governance(ESG). This course aims to foster a generous mind, learn knowledge and technology and build the capacity to contribute to building a society towards a safer and happier world through the study of theory and practice.
    1- 1
    This course explores the relationship between socio-economic background and city problems in history of city and searches good urban form from the history of urban planning.
    1- 2
    Software and AI (Artificial Intelligence) course aims to educate the basic concepts of software and computational thinking to use them in various applications. It allows students of various majors to experience the core technologies of the 4th industrial revolution, such as big data, machine learning, and AI. It also introduces various applications of AI so that students can easily apply these technologies to their field of study. This course classifies the lecture types into three categories, and adjust the lecture difficulty according to the student's academic ability.
    1- 2
    This course defines events and probabilities, conditional probabilities and independence to evaluate probabilities. Elementary probability distributions such as binomial distribution, geometric distribution, Poisson distribution, and normal distribution are also introduced. The concepts of sample distribution of the statistic and the central limit theorem are introduced. The statistical inference including estimation and hypothesis testing of the mean and the standard deviation will be discussed.
    1- 2
    By introducing students to the very basic economic principles, this course purpose to enhance student's ability analyze and synthetically understand the mode of human behavior in its economic aspects as well as the economic system. Detailed subjects to be dealt with in this course are as follows : the native and purpose of economics, the theory of demand and supply and its applications, the theory of consumers’and firms’behavior, the theory of competitive markets, monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly, etc.
    1- 2
    This class helps students develop drawing skills for urban space design through various drawing exercises. It teaches fundamentals of drawing for city plans, site plans, and three dimensional urban space design.
  • 2-1,2
    CurriculumThis table demonstrates the curriculum accroding to academic year.
    2- 1
    Introduction to urban environmental problems, including flood plains, water quality and quantity, solid waste, air quality, landslide, heat-island and noise. Capacity analysis techniques for urban environment. (AFTER 2008) This course is aimed towards an understanding of urban environment problems related to flood plains, water quality and quantity, solid waste, air quality, landslide, and heat-island .
    2- 1
    This course is designed to be an introduction to Computer Aided Design(CAD) skills first hand. Its aim is to prepare students for urban design studio and site planning studio.
    2- 1
    This introductory course helps students understand what urban planning is and why we need urban planning first hand. It teaches how urban planning process works and explores individual stages of the process. Students will learn how to prepare urban plans for key issues such as urban spatial structure, land use, transportation, open space system, housing and urban center renewal. This class will also discuss new agenda in urban planning such as sustainable development and community involvement in urban planning.
    2- 1
    Introduction to planning, geometric design and traffic operation of roads, streets, highway and their networks for efficient and convenient movement of persons and goods (AFTER 2008) This course is designed to be an introduction to planning, geometric design and traffic operation of roads, streets, highway and their networks for efficient and convenient movement of persons and goods. It explores concepts of traffic flow, traffic capacity, and traffic design, etc.
    2- 2
    This workshop helps students practise S/W of GIS and apply GIS to urban planning.
    2- 2
    This course introduces the understanding and analysis methodologies of a large amount of structured and unstructured data that is continuously produced by urban intelligence such as smart cities and smart mobility. In other words, an introduction to so-called big data, in which a large amount of structured and unstructured data is continuously generated, types of big data generated in cities, and methodologies for analyzing such big data are covered.
    2- 2
    Introduction to environmental and sanitary engineering design. Design of selected water and waste treatment process using data obtained in laboratory and filed investigations. (AFTER 2008) This course helps students develop a solid understanding of the process of urban water circulation system analysis and planning based on urban hydrology data obtained in laboratory and filed survey.
    2- 2
    This course introduces the site planning process and explores individual stages of the process. It reviews analysis of natural, cultural and aesthetic factors of site. It examines spatial organization of uses, building layouts, design of roadways, parking, traffic and off-site impacts, as well as landscaping. It also covers lectures on analytical techniques and examples of good site-planning practice.
    2- 2
    The purpose of this course is to introduce the statistical methods for urban planning and engineering. The course covers the statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, probability theory, probability distributions, sampling distributions, estimation, test of hypothesis, regression analysis, and others.
    2- 2
    This course aims to introduce students to the laws actually applied to urban planning in Korea and to help students understand the institutional systems of urban planning.
  • 3-1,2
    CurriculumThis table demonstrates the curriculum accroding to academic year.
    3- 1
    This lecture studies the urban regeneration techniques that apply the latest smart city techniques to revitalize the declining areas in social, cultural, and economic aspects, not just physical aspects, and promote sustainable development. Through the integration of urban regeneration and smart city concepts, students could develop and understand various methods for future-oriented urban regeneration models.
    3- 1
    This course deals with the design method and criteria of transportation facilities. The course covers design of highway, intersection, terminal, parking facility, railroad, airport, safety facility.
    3- 1
    An advanced laboratory covering principles of modern analytical techniques and their application to problems in environmental sanitary engineering. Topics include spectrometry, gas chromatography, and particle analysis. (AFTER 2008) This course aims to develop a solid understanding of a planning process for natural urban stream restoration on the basis of the results of urban stream survey and analysis.
    3- 1
    This course introduces students to urban land use planning process in terms of decision making theories first hand. It covers land use pattern, methods of land use survey, analysis of space requirements and location requirements.
    3- 1
    The purpose of this course is to introduce the quantitative methods for urban analysis and modeling. The course deals with roles of urban models, mathematical basis for urban modeling, benefit-cost analysis, urban population forecasting, urban economic analysis, and others.
    3- 1
    Applied course from Site Planning. Studying the components of specific site planning proposed for residential, industrial and commercial and business use and design skills, and practicing site planning for selected cases. Site Planning course is prerequisites. (AFTER 2008) This course focuses on the production of housing site plans. Students practice what they learnt from the previous site planning class in studio projects. They will produce a full rage of drawings and documents such as analysis of sites, site development programme, concept design drawings, schemetic site plans, and three dimensional study models. Site planning course is prerequisite.
    3- 1
    It explores theories on urban design and the institutional system for urban design. It teaches an urban design process and urban design techniques. It helps students understand the value of urban design and explores urban design methods and urban design criteria to improve the quality of urban places in which we live, work and play.
    3- 2
    To show the direction and the management of large systems of men, machines, materials and money in civil business and urban planning ; a general knowledge of planning mathematics on the basis of probability and statistical theory, multivariate analysis, linear programming, graph theory, process control, game theory, network theory. (AFTER 2008) This course is designed to give students an overview of mathematical modelling approach commonly used in urban planning and engineering. This course deals with mathematical programming methods and some advanced statistical methods, with the use of computer softwares.
    3- 2
    This course covers the real estate development process focusing on the physical dimension. It examines building economy through review of design, construction, and analysis procedures such as the site suitability analysis, and life cycle-costing.
    3- 2
    This course introduces students to urban design theories and practices at work in western countries. It especially focuses on lessons from the New Urbanism and Urban village movements. It gives students opportunities to think about how to apply them to urban design in Korea. This seminar consists of lecture, students’ presentation of urban design cases and discussion.
    3- 2
    This lecture aims to build a practical plan and design for the smartened urban spaces by using a elementary technology. Through this lecture, students can understand the methods to progress urban design such as regeneration of existing cities or development of new cities by applying various smart technologies currently introduced or under development.
    3- 2
    This course provides an introduction to the modeling techniques used to forecast traffic flows in urban areas. The course deals with transportation demand forecasting techniques, transportation planning tools, and some transportation policy issues.
    3- 2
    This course is limited to students who have previously attended urban design class. It helps student exercise urban design skills through urban design projects. The studio focuses on the production of urban design plans for case study areas.
    3- 2
    This course introduces theories on urban development and explores the institutional framework within which urban development takes place. It aims to help students develop their ability to carry out urban development practices. It also reviews 21st century new paradigms regarding urban development and explores what a good urban development form should look like in future.
    3- 2
    This course introduces the urban environmental facilities based on location theory, process analysis and management technique and cost-benefit analysis for understanding of principle of urban environment system. (AFTER 2008) This course aims to help students develop a solid understanding of the planning process for urban environmental facilities such as sewage and water supply system. It introduces students to location theory and sanitary engineering.
  • 4-1,2
    CurriculumThis table demonstrates the curriculum accroding to academic year.
    4- 1
    Unlike transportation, which simply describes the act of moving something or someone, this course deals with new policies related to mobility that describes the ability of a person to move or be moved. In other words, lectures are given on personal mobility (PM) policy to deal with the modes for the last 1 mile, the development status and policy of autonomous vehicles, the current status and policies of development of electric vehicles, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and electric vehicle charging, and the status and policies of mobility as a service (MaaS).
    4- 1
    This lecture aims to find the implications for development and prospects in future cities along with the developmental understanding, value, issues, and practice in the convergence engineering field. In particular, it examines the evolution of the current engineering systems and methods through the Industrial Revolution, as well as technical and social innovations accordingly. These technological innovations address the process of interaction with social changes in current digital convergence (e.g., smart cities, AI, robotics, VR, blockchain, IoT, smart technology, platform services) caused by the implementation and commercialization of engineering technology.
    4- 1
    Study a maintenance and expansion of transportation facility, insurance transportation capacity and traffic safety, the prevention of traffic accident, and find a scheme that improve an standard of traffic living. (AFTER 2008) This course provides an introduction to ways in which we can resolve transportation problems. It covers maintenance and operation of transportation facilities, improvement of traffic management capacity, traffic regulation, prevention of traffic accidents, pedestrian safety, and other transportation schemes that improve our living environment.
    4- 1
    This course provides an overview of these new methods of community planning. It is aimed at every students concerned with the urban environment. This course will hopefully help with the evolution of community planning by allowing people to benefit from the experience gained so far and by facilitating international exchange of good practice.
    4- 1
    This lecture aims to study the main issues of the future cities, and various urban plan and design techniques to realize the up-coming design concepts appertaining to the future cities. The significance of the urban environmental sustainability and technological improvement in cities are increasing to solve various urban problems stem from overcrowding, environmental pollution, resource depletion, and urban decline. This course attempts to encourage students to deal with those issues and to find various solutions.
    4- 1
    A studying on bachelor theme. (AFTER 2008) This course is designed to help students prepare their bachelor theses.
    4- 1
    Critical issues in national, regional, and local solid waste policy and planning ; regionalization, recycling, markets, composting, and other current solid waste management topics. (AFTER 2008) This course aims to help students develop a solid understanding of the process of policy analysis and planning for urban solid waste management.
    4- 1
    This course introduces students to the concept and classification of regions and explores regional development theories including the growth pole theory as well as the regional planning process. It covers an analysis of regional problems, forecast of changes in a region, formulation of goals and objectives, population migration, settlement system and industrial location. It also covers a policy approach in the regional planning.
    4- 1
    This course identifies concepts fundamental to the planning, operation, and management of transportation systems. Transportation systems analysis is a multidisciplinary field with a unified theoretical basis and a diversity of practical applications that incorporates concepts from economics, engineering, operations research, statistics, and public policy analysis. Topics include the basic supply-demand microeconomic framework, analysis of transportation demand, network equilibrium, analysis of transportation investment, and associated case studies.
    4- 2
    Fundamental issues in environmental planning ; past, present and expected futures of particular ecosystems including urban ; desirability of those and feasibility of after them. (AFTER 2008) The purposes of this course are to teach the basic principles and methods of urban environmental capacity analysis and eco-city design,
    4- 2
    This course is aimed to introduce a concept of intelligent transportation systems(ITS), which is designed to mitigate various transportation problems, and various subsystems of ITS. It explores the ideas and techniques for ITS. It also tries to study system architecture and institutional aspects of ITS.
    4- 2
    This course introduces technologies and terminologies related to future mobility, which is the center of the 4th industrial revolution. In addition to an introduction to traditional vehicles and roadways, trains and railroads, and aircraft that were simply used as transportation modes in the past, lectures focus on intelligent smart cars, hybrid cars, electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, autonomous vehicles, personal mobility (PM), and mobility service platforms. In addition, this class introduces high-definition (HD) maps necessary for realizing future mobility services, various sensors used in autonomous vehicles, and mobility materials.
    4- 2
    This course is designed to discuss various issues in transportation safety. The course deals with types and characteristics of traffic accidents, transportation safety planning, design of safety facilities, and others.
    4- 2
    The purpose of this course is to introduce economic approaches to the study of urban planning problems. The course deals with economics of urbanization, analysis of urban spatial structure utilizing the techniques of economics, economics of planning (public intervention), detailed studies of urban problems concerning industrial location, land use, transportation, pollution, urban economic policy, etc.
