Introducing Saemaul 2.0: A Modernized Approach to Rural Development
To ensure the continued relevance of Saemaul Undong in the 21st century, Dr. Choi introduced Saemaul 2.0, integrating the principles of Sharing, Service, and Creativity into the traditional framework. This modernized approach:
- Bridges community-led development with technology-driven solutions, facilitating more efficient and scalable interventions.
- Enhances inclusivity, adaptability, and sustainability in global rural development efforts, ensuring broader participation and long-term impact.
- Establishes a robust theoretical framework that underpins Korea’s Smart Saemaul Undong projects, guiding their implementation across Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America to strengthen resilience in post-conflict and underserved communities.
Saemaul Undong: Where Diligence thrives,
Self-Help empowers, and Cooperation unites.
In the spirit of Saemaul, we Share deeper,
Serve greater, and Create bravely.
Suit up with the Saemaul 2.0 spirit—where diligence meets style and the journey is Towards a Safer and Happier World!